Can Black Girls Blush ✨ {Edited}

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My alarm goes off and my eyes are reluctant to slide open. I set an alarm for five-thirty so I can go for a run. I completely overestimated my desire to become a better athlete.

After moments of self-encouragement, I finally get up and head to my bathroom to wash up. I throw on a pair of shorts, a tank top and some beat-up sneakers. I manage to put my braids into a pony-tail and grab my stuff to head out.

I plug in my headphones and turn on some soft music while I run. My goal is to run until the sun comes up. As I run the conversation I had with Vanessa plays over in my head and honestly, I am tired of it.

Too much energy is spent on her and I just wish the entire talk didn't irk me the way it does. I guess in some aspects she is right but I am right as well. How could we as a people ever trust them? Historically they've never looked out for us and historically they hate us. But, they love what we bring to the table.

I guess what they say is true, they love our culture just not us.

"Ooomph" I stumble back a little after I run into someone and when I look up it's Jermaine.

"Jermaine?" I ask as I take the headphones out of my ears.

"Hey Kendra" He greets.

I look to see him wearing just shorts and some Nike, "What the hell are you doing out here?" I ask and he at himself and then to me.

"Out for a run same as you" He answers and I laugh.

"Right," I say once I realize how fucking stupid I sound right now.

"So what do you play?" I ask and he raises a brow.

"How do you know I don't just like to exercise?" He questions.

"You're right but just in case it's not just the exercise?" I ask and he wipes his sweaty forehead with her arm.

"Basketball you?"


He laughs but I don't, "What's so funny?"

"You play soccer I never would've known" He responds and I narrow my eyes at him.

"What did you think? I play basketball, maybe I'm a cheerleader?"

"Yeah, I definitely didn't expect you to say soccer isn't that a-"

"Hispanic, Spanish, European thing?" I finish his sentence and he begins to look embarrassed.

"I didn't want to play soccer but after a while, I realized I really like it. Plus all the girl's basketball and cheerleading spots were taken" I explain but that look of embarrassment is still etched on his face.

I nudge his shoulder, "Calm down Jermaine I'm not mad" I tell him and he begins to relax.

He looks down at the ground and when he looks up bites his lip awkwardly, "So" He begins.

"Maybe you could teach me a thing or two on the field and I could show you something on the court" He offers and I smile.

"I could show you how to score," I say and his face turns mischievous.

"Well, now I really want to know how" He responds and he steps closer to me. Damn, why does this kid look so good? Thank God it's still dark outside so he can't see me smile like a complete idiot.

"Then I'll have to give you a lesson sometime"

"I'm all yours Miss Lyon" He smirks and I can't help but blush.

Can black people blush? Must be because I can't help but blush.

"But in terms of basketball it's best to ask my brother David he's the best player at our school," I tell him and he nods his head.

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