Naked & Paralyzed ✨ {Edited}

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"I can't believe Principal Hart brought you down to his office. What did he expect you to do, sit back and let them run their mouths?" Jade voices as we sit on the gym bleachers before class starts.

"Exactly, no black lives matter slander will be tolerated. I refuse to let them put my people down and contribute to an already existing system of racism by doing so." Jade snaps her fingers in agreement.

The doors of the gym open and the boys walk in. Immediately, I hear David and Lincoln argue with one another. Mercedes shakes her head at their argument, "I swear those two go at it every damn day" She points out and I agree.

"They argue like a damn married couple" Queen adds and I tell them that it's going to be a nightmare if they are on the same team.

We walk over and our coach blows the whistle. I pull David away from his mortal enemy and ask what's up. "It's Lincoln that little shit!" He spits as he glares at him.

I move his face to me and I put my hands on his shoulders, "That little shit does not deserve a reaction from you" "Destroy his ass on the court that is the best revenge for pricks like him" I encourage and he nods his head.

Coach Fredrick and Curtis both blow their whistles and signal us to line up. They divide us into teams so we can play volleyball, again. Unfortunately, I'm grouped with Lincoln and Cole, lucky me. 

"Looks like we're teammates," Cole mentions as he appears beside me.

"Please don't touch me, teammate," I say with the most insincere smile. His smile fades almost instantly and he looks annoyed.

After that day in the parking lot and seeing him in the hallway I realized that I don't like to see Cole that way, it's different than what I'm used to. I want us to go back to the way we were before. 

Cole folds his arms, "Come on Kendra why are you always shitty towards me?" He questions. 

"Maybe because I'm a naturally shitty person"

"You weren't the other day." He argues and I shrug my shoulders.

"That was a one-time thing," I reply.

He narrows his eyes at me, "I don't believe that"

"Well, you don't know me so who cares what you believe!"

"Well, whose fault is that?"

I take in a much-needed breath and I fold my arms, "Cole, do you remember your first day, that whole conversation we had in the lunchroom?" I question him.

"Yeah, and I'm starting to get the idea that we can never be friends. What I don't understand is why, why does it have to be this way?" He questions back.

I groan at his response, obviously, he's not getting this.






"You!" I urge strongly.

"But you don't even know me" He counters sounding a bit hurt by my words.

I shake my head and unfold my arms, "Yeah well no one cares about who you are these days now do they?" I ask.

He opens his mouth to say something but I put a handout, "Rhetorical Sterling, don't answer that" I tell him.

"Fine, but one thing you'll learn about me is that I'm very persistent and I don't give up easily." Suddenly, we hear a whistle and we turn our heads towards the coaches.

"Are you two gonna stand there and chit-chat or are we gonna play?" Coach Fredrick questions and we all get to our spots.

When the coaches whistle for the start of the game it becomes an immediate bloodbath. David and Lincoln simply will not let each other score. Queen and Jade are hell-bent on spiking me every chance they get and on top of that my team sucks. The only decent ones are me, Lincoln, and Iris.

All Cole ever does is jump right in front of me every time the ball comes my way. Throughout the entire game, I have to deal with him and our opponents rubbing their victories in our faces. 

When our coaches finally call it and congratulate David and his team I'm ready to take Cole's head off. David walks up to me with a proud look on his face, "Don't worry baby sister someday you'll finally beat me." He says with a smug look on his face.

I point a finger at him, "Enjoy it while it lasts because it will never happen again" I assure him. David laughs and walks away from me. 

I head towards the locker room to change out of my gym clothes and get ready to confront Cole and his bizarre behavior. I wait outside the boys' locker room for the rest of the kids to leave and once they do I head inside.

"Cole!" I call out. I head towards the back of the locker room where I hear the shower going.

"Cole?" I call out a little quieter.

"What?" I hear a voice and I approach the showers slowly.

"I'm looking for Cole" I repeat making sure to keep my head down. I'd rather not catch a glimpse of something I really didn't want to see. The shower turns off.

"Well good news you've found him" Cole emerges out of the shower and I instantly turn around. Suddenly, I realize that this could've waited until he was out of the shower.

"Did you need something?" He questions me.

I advert my eyes and clear my throat, "What the hell was that!" I demand.

"What was what Lyon?" 

"What did you think you were doing out there? Jumping in front of me all throughout the game like an asshole." 

Cole laughs, "I think you're confused. I was just playing the game same as you" I turn around to respond when I notice his incredible toned abs. I lose track of my thought for a second and Cole smiles.

I clear my throat and grab a towel from the bench beside me. I make sure not to look any lower than I should, "Towel, please" I beg of him. 

"Don't need one I'm fine just the way I am. Plus, I think you like what you see," He replies and I don't know how I feel about that answer. I place a hand on my forehead to get my mind right.

"Do you?"

"I think this was a bad idea. Can you just... put some clothes on?" He grins at my embarrassment.

He grins, "I disagree, I think this was a great idea"

"Well nobody asked you" I snap. He steps closer to me and like a dumbass I don't step back. I can feel the heat and steam from the shower on my skin. 

"You didn't answer my question." 

Goosebumps appear as I feel him bring his lips close to my ears, "Do you like what you see?" He questions causing my cheeks to burn.

I try to answer but they come out as stutters and foolishness. I make a bold move and look at him. His eyes are trained on me and for a good minute, we just look at one another. He brings his hand up to my face and it's like my entire body is paralyzed. Before he gets too close I finally find the strength to step away from him.

His hands fall to his sides and without another word, I leave the locker room. I walk down the halls, my heart pounding in my chest. Once I'm far enough away I lean against the wall and try to pull myself together.

What the hell is happening?

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