Cheating Bastards ✨

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I wake up the next morning and instantly I am hit with multiple emotions. One of them being anger, the other confusion, and surprisingly guilt. Why do I feel so guilty? I tossed and turned all night because of what happened the other day and the stupid feeling just won't leave me alone.

He pushed a person on me so why am I feeling some type of way about pushing him in the pool? Why do I have to be the one to feel this way when I didn't even start anything, they did! Taking a deep breath I try to rationalize all of this because this cannot be my fault.

Cole came in and instantly started with the antics, he was basically starting with Jermaine. Then whenever Lincoln decided to be a jackass he followed suit. Then finally he decided to push the envelope even further and drop a person on me! I did what any normal person would have done, I got my revenge.

But, then again, he did go pale before I pushed him in and he seemed really nervous and scared almost. I try to remember the things I saw and I just can't but wonder why he was acting so scared anyways. Could he just not swim? Maybe he was pissed I pushed him in just because? Or maybe it's something else?

Then again it is a pool party and you're supposed to get in the pool. Even before the party, Anderson told him that he'd most likely get pushed in and he turned like pale. So why would he come at all?

A knock comes at the door pulling me out of my thoughts and it's ma telling me to get up for school. Groaning I pull my feet from under my covers and set them on the floor. Rubbing my eyes I head to the bathroom where I take a shower and wash up.

After dressing myself I head downstairs where ma and David are eating breakfast, "Goodmorning" I mumble and ma greets me.

"Long night?" She questions and I laugh under my breath.

"You have no idea" I answer while grabbing a cup of coffee. I take a seat at the table and quietly sip it as David quietly eats his cereal. Ma looks at both of us and puts her phone down, "Okay, speak what's got you two so quiet?" She asks and both David and I look to one another.

"Nothing" David answers and ma looks from him to me.

"Nothing?" She questions and I agree.

"Just tired and quiet" I add on while taking another sip. She narrows her eyes at both of us, "See I know my children, and when both of you are silent at the same time something done went down so what was it?" She questions again.

I set my cup down, "Ma it was nothing just good old fashion fun" I tell her and she looks at suspiciously at first but soon drops it.

We don't anymore and soon David and I get up and leave for school. Once in the car I know we're both thinking about the party and how quickly it escalated. I wonder if they'll be talking about it at school.

Good God, I hope not.


"I can't believe no one is talking about Cole after what happened" Queen mentions as we get out of last period and head for the girls locker room.

Setting down my soccer bag I agree, "Was he even here today?" I question knowing damn well he wasn't going to be here. He's probably too embarrassed by the whole thing and refuses to show his face, I sure wouldn't.

I change out of my clothes and put on my soccer stuff. Taking a seat on the bench I huff, "He probably won't be coming around for a while I mean everyone saw how he looked" I comment as Mercedes puts her hair up in a pony-tail, "It's his fault anyways who comes to a pool party not knowing how to swim, damn dumbass!"  She chimes in and I chuckle but not really.

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