Whew the Ignorance ✨ {Edited}

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As I down a bowl of cereal I hear David creeping down the stairs. I catch his eye and he whispers something.

"What?" I ask and he rolls his eyes.

"Is ma here?" He asks all whispery. I tell him that she left a while ago and he begins to relax.

"Why what happened?" I ask concerned. He turns his head up towards the top of the stairs and gestures for someone to come down. I then see Nicole come down in one of David's t-shirts.

"Really? You bought Nicole over, ma would kill you if she saw you" I lecture as if he didn't already know.

"That's why I asked if she was here" He responds in a duh tone and I roll my eyes and turn back to my phone.

Nicole takes a seat next to me and I toss her an apple that she catches and bites into. "So Kendra dance practice today?" She questions and I tell her that it's after school.

"We have to audition a whole set of new people so we have to pick a routine for them" I inform her.

"Did you hit up Jojo?" She asks and I roll my eyes once more.

Jojo is my new dance co-captain. Principle Hart demanded that our captains be of different ethnicities so Nicole got dropped. She was pissed but she knows I value her opinion more than Jojo's.

"Unfortunately, plus she has the audacity to suggest a Taylor Swift song like we listen to that" I inform her while taking a sip of my coffee.

"Compromise" David chimes in and I tell him to shut up and stick to breakfast. David mutters something slick under his breath but I ignore it.

"Why choreograph a whole new routine? Girl, just pick one from last year and have them do it you know Beyoncé lemonade album was the shit" She offers and I agree.

"Jojo said we needed more diverse music"

"So she picked Taylor Swift?" She questions and we both laugh at how dumb that sounds.

"Trust me, do the Freedom routine we did and they'll be fine," Nicole tells me and I high five her.

"And this is why you should've stayed captain" I compliment and she flips her curly locks and smiles.

David finally puts down some breakfast for her and I raise a brow. Cereal? Nicole just shakes her head and we continue our conversation about the dance team. This is our last year and we need to plan some fun things to do together.

"You know Nationals are in a couple of months?" She reminds me and I instantly get excited. Nationals is our opportunity to show up and show out. We're not sure where it will be this year but we have to be ready.

"Yeah you have an idea for us"

"Hell yeah it's a group dance with about ten people with this song" She suggests as she pulls out her phone. She scrolls through her music until she pulls up an album.

She presses on the song, #ChangeRightNow (feat. Amber Riley) and as the song plays my mind starts roaming on a routine we could do.

"This song is lit, whose is it by?" I ask as I search through her phone.

"It's by some guy named MAJOR. I stumbled across him somehow" She tells me and I tell her to send me the audio file and whatever else she finds that we could use. My phone suddenly rings and I realize it's my alarm clock. I groan at the thought of going to school.

"Ugh, do we have to go?" Nicole complains and I press my lips into a straight line.

"Unfortunately yes" I answer as we get up and head upstairs to get ready.

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