Friendships & Betrayals ✨ {Edited}

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"We have to talk about your boyfriend" Queen beams as she grabs my arm hard. I wince a little at the pain and I tell her to ease up. Two more seconds and my circulation would cut off.

"Sorry but you haven't had a boyfriend in so long" Queen squeals and I roll my eyes at her. I do not need a boyfriend because I am perfectly content with myself." Both Queen and Jade stare at me suspiciously.


"We all know that ain't true" Jade comments and I ask her to explain.

"You basically blew our ears out yesterday when you called. Face it you would love it if you and Jermaine got together" Queen adds with a slick smile. I tell Queen she is way too happy about this and she agrees.

"Well, I have to be since my own relationship with Rowan is a mess" She explains and when she mentions I remember that I'm supposed to talk to her about it.

"About that, are you okay?" I ask. She doesn't reveal much but that we'll talk about it tonight at my house.

"Oh, I can't go, I have debate" Jade tells us and Queen makes a face.

"You're not about to ditch us for the debate team" Queen accuses her.

"Since when did you become the best debater? Or yet choose debate over us?" I ask her and Jade groans.

"Will y'all shut up? Mr. Toren threatened to kick me off the team if I missed another day and you know they need me" She explains and I suck my teeth. Damn, that's tough.

Jade checks the time and mutters some curse words. "I have class and it's across the damn school, shit!" She states irritably. Queen and I tell her to run or she'll be late and she agrees. We watch as Jade weaves through students in the hall and we can't help but laugh at her.

"I'll see you later, I have to meet with Mr. Ramon, again!" Queen says as she heads her way. I walk to my physics class and cry on the inside, I hate science. 

I take a seat near the window and as I set up my stuff a body plumps down in the seat next to mine. I look slightly to see it's Cole. I internally groan and just try to ignore him. After a minute he scoots his chair closer to me.

"What are you doing?" I question him.

"I'm sitting next to my lab partner" He responds and he can't be serious.

"What lab partners?" I ask him and he points to the board. I look to see and he's right. In big letters, we have to sit next to partners. I look over to Cole who takes a book out of his bag and I look around the room. I will not be partners with him.

"Oh hell" I state and get up. Soon the physics teacher, Mr. Carter walks into the room and tells us all to have a seat, that class has begun.

"I hope you like your seats because these will be your seats for the rest of the year" He announces as he sets his briefcase down. Automatically my jaw drops, this can't be it.

"Why Lord? I'm such a good Christian daughter?" I pray and Cole chuckles at my prayer.

"I think this was the Lord's doing" He grins arrogantly and I roll my eyes. Before he can say another word to irritate my soul Mr. Carter claps his hands and begins to give us instructions. He hands out the worksheets but as I try to focus on it Cole tries to have a conversation.

"Come on baby girl how is your knee?" He asks and I sigh. The knee that he tried to take off? I tell him that it's better and I accuse him of being the reason it's messed up in the first place.

"Hey look I'm sorry. It wasn't supposed to end that way" He responds and I scoff.

"And how was it supposed to end? You could've fooled me" He asks if I forgive him and I eye him. Forgive him? How old is this man twelve?

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