This One Hurt Like a Bitch ✨

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A/N: ouuuuu sis bout to be real mad!!!! Peep Rochelle's eye twitch😂
The rest of the day goes by without a problem, almost. That is until the last couple of classes when Annabelle started getting real bold. Her and her stupid antics are starting to get on my nerves now. Always trying to wave Cole in my face as if that'll make me jealous.

I mean sure whenever she does I just want to run up on her but more importantly I want Cole away from her. I don't know if he's hanging around her to make me jealous or what but I don't like it.

Cole and I aren't exactly official and that's my fault so technically he can do whatever he wants but still. I'm nervous about everyone knowing my business but I swear I'll get there. Eventually I won't care about what they think.

Until then I have to watch as Annabelle tries to put the moves on him without wanting to scratch her eyes out. Truth be told all I want to do is take him away. To a place where no one can find us and show him who the fuck I am.

I swear he better ask about me because I don't play when it comes to who belongs to me and that's facts. However, all I can do now is bite my tongue and turn away letting her think that she's somehow won.

Ms. Langston tells Queen, Darnell, Andre and I to take the posters we made and start hanging them up around the school while they practice their solos. We take the boxes of supplies out of the auditorium and just start walking.

We don't know where to yet but eventually we'll figure it out. As we walk Darnell and Queen make fun of Andre for coming to help.

"You know you didn't have to actually pretend to care about the play to come and talk to Jade" Queen teases and Andre scoffs. He unrolls one of the posters and stares at it strangely.

"And miss the magic of Dreamgirls, nah" He answers and both Queen and I look at each other knowingly. Lying ass! Darnell tries to cut his ass and Andre tells him to chill. I put a hand on his shoulder and tell him it's time to man up and ask her out.

He lowkey seems uneasy about it. "Dre, just shoot your shot with her bro you've been whining about it for weeks" Darnell advises and he scoffs.

"Fuck that, I'm just gonna aim straight for her dome because sis really blowin' mines right now" He complains while shaking his head and both Queen and I chuckle. Poor boy, he's got a little crush.

We split up into two groups, the boys take the third floor while Queen and I take the second floor. We start hanging up posters and Queen asks me if Jermaine has talked to me since our fight. I sigh, no.

"I think he's still mad at me" I tell her.

Her tone says okay but her face speaks otherwise. Like something in her head isn't adding up and God willing it doesn't. I haven't spoken to any of my friends about Cole and I'm not ready to. Ever since it happened we kind of stuck together and as one voice told the truth, our truth. That truth was that they don't really care about us.

"Why did ya'll break up again? You were excited to be with him?" She asks out of the blue and I quickly make up a lie that things we just didn't agree on.

She makes an o with her mouth and leans into me, "He wasn't woke was he?" She questions and I chuckle. Sure, if that will get us off this topic. She chuckles as well, "Nothing's sadder than a brother whose not woke" I amen that and we continue our work.

We finish putting another one and as we round the corner something catches my eye and I grab her wrist pulling her back. She asks what and I put a finger to my lip quieting her and I point to down the hall. We both peek around the corner and we see a girl coming out of Sean's closet.

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