Girl Talk ✨

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"Let me pick a song!" Nicole complains as we drive out of the school parking lot. We just finished practiced for our game this weekend and now we're going to my house to hang out. 

David went to go ball out with Jermaine, Darnell, Rowan and this new boy, Andre. I haven't met him yet but I hear he's cool. They're coming over once they finish and I don't know how that's going to go.

Jermaine is still sort of mad at me. We talked a little bit yesterday and I feel we're going to be okay but it also feels one sided.

I also don't want to mention what Cole said to me the other day. I'm not even sure I'm ready to mention what Cole said to me the other day. I'm cute? Who says that to people? I have been more than clear to him, we are not friends in the least bit. He can't be calling me cute and shit.

"Fine Nicole but no PnB Rock, I'm tired of hearing Selfish" Mercedes tell her firmly and she pouts. "But that's my song bitch!" She complains and Jade groans.

"Yes we know but between that and Bodak Yellow, I'm getting real tired of both of them" Queen grabs my phone and tells me that she'll put on a throwback. She plugs in the AUX cord and we wait for this throwback to come on.

The beginning of Fire and Desire begins playing and all of us begin screaming. "Skip to the good part, the good part" I demand. We skip over Rick's part and go straight to Teena's part.


"That's what I used to doooo, use and abuse them ohh"

"Then I laid eyes on you, it was painnnn before pleasurree, that was my claim to fame, with every measure, ohhh"

"Tasted your tear drops stains, yeah"

Mercedes, Nicole, and Queen take Rick's part whilst Jade and I take Teena's.

"You were cold as ice" They start.

Jade and I come in the woooos. "Long ago, baby, baby"

"I, I wasn't very nice I know woooooo"

"Suga, suga, suga, suga, then I kissed your lips and you"

"You turned on, you turned on, you turned on"


Once we go up we are quick to come back down. We're no Rick James or Teena Marie so we just gonna stop there. We listen to the rest of the song and try to sing along but after a while our voices get tired.

Queen puts on a Chris Brown song from his new album and we sit in pretty much silence as I drive. I pull into my driveway and we head upstairs to the apartment. We drop our bags in the kitchen and immediately take some money out.

"What we buying?" Nicole asks as everyone puts their money up. After counting up all the money we decide on pizza with stuffed crust and hot wings.

"What we want? Pepperoni, plain cheese, sausage?" I ask once I'm on the phone with Dominoes. They argue for a good minute but after a while we decide on two pies, one fully cheese and the other half pepperoni and half pepperoni and pineapple.

After ordering we head up to my room to start our homework, might as well get that done and over with. I pull out my worksheet from Mr. Carter's class and try to do these problems he been trying to teach us about. All I know is the acceleration of gravity on earth is 9.81, anything else don't ask me.

I tap my pencil against the floor rapidly as I try to figure this problem out. Whoever figured out this mess must've had a lot of time on their hands because this crazy as hell. I stop tapping and move to biting my pencil nervously. We have a test next week and I am not trying to fail. I'm already on thin ice with my grades and it's only the second marking period.

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