Great Divide ✨ {Edited}

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"This isn't fair!" Queen cries in desperation as she scrolls through my conversations with Jermaine.

"Nigga is smooth" Jade applauds as she points to one of his messages. I grab my phone from them and tell them that the show is over.

The girls pout as we make our way over to our table, "Oh shut up Kendra! It won't be long before you find yourself between them sheets" Jade teases and I toss a french fry at her.

"I swear Kendra can pull any guy she wants" Queen gasses me and I tell her to stop. It's not even like that. We take a seat near the rest of our friends and Jade tries to convince them that I'm not as innocent as I make myself out to be.

"We stan a modest bitch but how many bodies do you have again?" Iris questions and I place a hand over my chest hurt. What are these heifers trying to say?

"I am innocent okay just how my mama raised me to be"

"Your mama raised a hoe!" I flip her off and I see David's face scrunch up as the rest laugh at me. He puts his hands over his ears and wriggles in discomfort.

"Please stop" He begs of us and I agree with him. I don't know what their obsession is with this kid sometimes. I swear they like him more than I do.

"Fine no more Jermaine talk"

"Who's Jermaine?" A voice asks out of nowhere. We all look to see Lincoln and his friends take seats all around us. Suddenly, I don't feel well.

We all become quiet and look down at our food trays hoping they'd just leave. Since when did they grow enough balls to come and actually sit at our table?

"Oh fuck" David growls as Lincoln takes a seat a few inches away from him.

Everyone becomes tense and I'm sure the vanillas can feel it, "Who's Jermaine?" Lincoln asks again and I look up to him.

"None of your business!" I state and Lincoln cocks his head a little.

"Ahh does little Kendra Lyon have a crush?" He coos and I roll my eyes and look away.

I turn my head to see Cole sitting right next to me and I look him up and down, "Why the hell are you so close to me?" I ask in a disgusted tone.

"Don't get cocky Lyon this was the only seat left" He responds and again I roll my eyes.

"Maybe if we ignore them they'll realize we don't fuck with them" Queen speaks up as she glares at Rowan.

Rowan sighs, "Maybe" He responds and I look back down to my plate. It's gotten extremely awkward and I think everyone has noticed. Even other tables have stopped their conversations to look at us.

The vanillas continue to annoy us and we all break off into our little arguments. Why can't they just fucking leave us alone so we can enjoy our lunch? It's bad enough they take up space in our school but now they want to interact with us?

"So again who is Jermaine?" Cole asks and I tell him none of his business.

"Why can't you just tell me?"

"Because I don't want to tell you! Why would I anyways I don't fuck with you?"

"Well no need to get disrespectful we just want to know" Lincoln speaks up and I glare at him. He stares right back and the stunt he pulled the other day comes back to me along with the anger that goes with it.

"Well I want to know who the fuck you think you are giving my number out to people?" I ask and he taps his finger and shrugs his shoulders.

"Honestly Lyon I haven't the slightest as to what you're talking about" He answers with that stupid smirk on his face. I immediately call his bullshit.

"Yes you do know" I refute.

"I'd very much appreciate it if you didn't give my number out to strangers" I demand.


"I thought you and Cole were such good friends" He plays and I narrow my eyes at him.

"Well don't think, it's bad enough you have it so don't give it out" I spit and he stares at me slightly amused.

"You are not that important that I would give your number out" He responds and I cock my head to the side. Oh really?

"And yet here we are"

"I don't know why you're so angry about it" Cole chimes in and I tell him to butt out.

"She doesn't want your number, maybe that's why she's angry" Jade tells Cole and I agree with her.

"I mean I'd be angry" Queen continues on.

"She was probably expecting a text from a dark skinned snack not a pale skinned you" She says and immediately Cole becomes quiet. He stares at her for a second but then turns away. I look at Queen who looks satisfied and something in my gut feels wrong.

As lunch goes on they eventually fade out and I can't help but steal glances at Cole. He is typing away on his phone and I notice how he looks. As if someone just killed his puppy and told him to get over it.

I don't know why but deep down in my stomach I start to feel really bad about what Queen said to him. I know I shouldn't but the look on his face has definitely stirred something up inside of me. Guilt? Conviction? I don't know.

By the time lunch ends I feel like a horrible person and I'm not even the one that said it to him. I mean yeah I said some shitty stuff but he doesn't understand the way things are. Every time he gets caught in the crossfire this heavy feeling weighs down on me.

Once lunch i s over I make the decision to go and talk to him. Not because I really want to but I guess I have to. I catch him in the staircase and call after him. When he turns to me I can tell that he's pissed.

"What?" He asks and I jerk my head back a little.

"I just wanted to ask if you were okay? Lunch got pretty intense" I ask and he just shrugs his shoulders.

"Well, that's a regular isn't it?" He questions and I guess he's right.

"I just want to make sure you're not going to cry in the bathroom." My attempt to lighten the mood doesn't translate well.

Instead he takes a step towards me, "When I first got here I didn't understand this whole divide that you've put between you and I but I get it now."

"What are you-"

"Don't worry I won't bother you again" He says before he turns on his heel to leave. Once he's out of my sight I become frustrated.

"Fuck!" I mutter to myself as I turn to leave myself.

As I walk to my next class I am racked with guilt. I hate to say it but our talk did little to get rid of that feeling in the pit of my stomach.

It only enlarged it.

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