A Damaged Sterling ✨ {Edited}

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Is it just me or is it complete bullshit to feel some type of way over a situation you had no control over? I still feel like shit from the other day at lunch when Queen said what she said. Her words play over in my mind and I feel sick all over again. I just don't know what to do anymore.

"Kendra where is your partner?" Mr. Carter questions me as I look up from my notebook. I glance over to the empty seat beside me and I too wonder where Cole is. It's not like him to miss class.

"Honestly, I don't know where he is" I answer truthfully but he looks at me as if my answer is unacceptable.

Do I look like I hang out with Cole or know where he is? If I'm here in class how would I know? Make this make sense. These questions run through my head but I try not to let my face show how dumb he sounds.

"Well someone needs to go find him" He responds. I look from left to right and question if he means me? That can't be it.

"Well, you might want to call in a sub before you go" I respond right back and his stare becomes harder.

"I meant you Miss Lyon" He responds and I ask why.

"Because last time I checked this is my classroom" He answers and I narrow my eyes at him. That doesn't even make any sense!

I hate when teachers pull 'that this is my classroom' card when in fact it really doesn't. Much like when ma tells me it ain't my bedroom she's letting me borrow it. The same thing goes with teachers they don't own any classrooms, it's borrowed.

I push you know logic to the back of my head and grab my stuff. As I walk the halls I question if I became a damn detective and didn't realize it. Is this even legal to go on a student scavenger hunt when I'm supposed to be in class?

I head towards the staircases first. There aren't any cameras so if you were to skip class that's where you would go. Once I turn up empty I figure it's best to check in the back of the school. For some reason you'll find a lot of people who skip out there too.

I open the door and I see a two hooded figures. They sit on the hood of a car and pass a bottle between them. Deep down I don't think it's water in that bottle. Ugh, delinquents.

I wrap my sweater closer to myself and walk over to him. Cole laughs drunkenly at whatever his friend has said and I stand in front of him. Arms crossed and eyes narrowed because this is just ridiculous.

"Beat it" I demand of his friend. At first he looks at Cole and I snap my fingers in his face.

"Did I stutter? I said beat it!" The friend rolls his eyes before he takes off and I turn my attention towards Cole who stares at the ground. As his head hangs low I can smell the alcohol on him.

"What's up? Ker-Key-Kather?" Cole begins but then starts to chuckle at his words. In this moment I realize that Cole is smashed beyond smashed. He doesn't even grin when he sees me like he usually does. He just looks broken.

I take a step close to him, "You look terrible"

"Thats because there's a lot of shit in my head. It just whirls around and around and around" He answers as he rotates his head to follow his words.

Annoyed I grab his head before he hurts himself, "Stop it" I hold Cole's heavy head in my hands and force him to look at me. His blue eyes stare at me and I can see his fight to hold back tears. 

"You haven't shown up in three days and people are worried about you"

Cole leans off the car and nearly falls over his own feet as he stumbles away from me. "I was on my way but then I thought to myself. Why would I go and sit in a classroom next to you?" He points at me and starts to laugh.

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