Dreaming of Christmas ✨

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A/N: There is a lot of confusion surrounding this chapter so I just want to clarify that this is a dream. Kendra's father, unfortunately, is dead and Kendra is dreaming of Christmas (because it was Christmas when I wrote this). I hope that clears up the confusion. Okay, I know I'll shut up now so you can read!

I wake up the next morning to the smell of breakfast. I open my eyes and the first thing I look towards is my window. It's snowing, actually snowing. Feeling excited I get out of my bed slip on my fuzzy socks and throw on one of Keon's large sweatshirts. I go to the window and watch as snow falls from the sky. The roads, houses, poles, everything is decorated in sheets of fluffy white.

I turn back to my bed and begin rubbing Jade harshly, "Wake up, it's Christmas!" I shout and Jade begins groaning and moaning. Jade slept over last night and is spending christmas with us because her parents are out of town. Of course they feel terrible about it but sometimes things just fall like that.

"Christmas can start in another hour" She mumbles while rolling back over to sleep. Huffing I sit back on my heels. I don't know why know one is as happy about christmas time but me. It's my favorite holiday. Shaking her one more time to get she finally does. I give her some fuzzy socks and we sneak into David's room to steal a sweatshirt.

The boy's sweatshirts are naturally more cozier than ours, apparently people don't think girls like to be cozy as well. We head downstairs and we see ma and my auntie Ava cooking in the kitchen. Hmm, food.

"Merry Christmas yall" I greet them and when my auntie Ava turns around her face brightens.

"Is that my beautiful niece, come here" She cries while opening her arms to me. I embrace her and she looks at me, "My goodness you look stunning, bet you have all the boys chasing after you" She says and I laugh.

"You have no idea" Jade chimes in and I laugh while hitting her in the back of her leg with my foot. She makes that pain sound as Auntie Ava turns her attention to her. "And Ms. Jade with the gorgeous skin looking as beautiful as ever" She praises and Jade flips her hair.

"Well you know I try" She boasts and I roll my eyes.

Ma calls over my auntie and tells her that she better get back to cooking or the fried chicken is gonna burn. Auntie Ava sucks her teeth, "I ain't never burned no chicken, not even with the Crisco's" She states proudly while returning to the stove.

"I love fried chicken for breakfast" Jade says while looking at the food lovingly. I laugh, don't we all. Jade and I go to the living room where we see Keon, David and Rowan struggle to decorate the tree, oh God.

"David just pass me the candy canes and stop eating them!" Keon demands and I laugh as David takes the candy cane out of his mouth and hands it too him. Keon grunts is disgust and throws it back at him, "Another one stupid!"

Rowan holds up the extension cord filled with plugs and he looks lost, "I don't think we're going to be able to light this tree yall"

David hands him a clean one and Keon sticks them on the branches. Jade and I offer to help and David immediately agrees. "I'll go help ma in the kitchen" He offers and we all shout no!

"Don't move!" Keon shouts while giving him the finger.

"Stay right there" Jade continues and Rowan agree.

"Don't you dare!"

David folds his arms hurt, "What? I can cook" He argues and I step to him.

He actually can't, "I'm sorry David but you know we could really use your talents in here rather than in the kitchen" I suggest while handing him some lights.

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