Fatality ✨ {Edited}

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A/N: Cue gif!!!!! We're at 2K reads!!!! I'm so thankful and happy that I'm under twenty chapters and I'm already up to 2000 reads and counting!!! This is so awesome the response I've been getting with this story!! Makes me want to write more bwwm books from now on! But anyways back to the story I love you all!!!

So, before you read I want to let you know that this chapter is going back and forth between a flashback and present time. The italicized font is the flashback and the regular font is the present time just so you're not confused. Okay I'm done you can read now.


"Daddy!" I scream as I wake out of my sleep. My chest rises and falls heavily as I look around, it's only my room. A lump grows in my throat as Keon and David burst through the door.

"Surprise bitch!" They wave a bat around their eyes on high alert for an intruder. When they realize it's just me they let out a breath of relief. They relax and put their bats down before they try to bash me with them.

They walk over to me and David puts a hand on my shoulder, "Another nightmare?" He questions as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes. It isn't long before my heart grows heavy and the tears fall from my eyes. I bite back the sob in my throat as they both climb onto of my bed to comfort me.

Keon pulls me into his chest and lets me cry out all of my tears, "I miss him so much" I cry. This is the third nightmare about dad's death in the past two weeks. It was so real it felt like I went back in time and had to relive it all over again.

"Oh yeah how much you want to bet she'll get it for me!" I challenge them both as we all walk home from school.

"Kendra just let it go it won't happen" David states as if that's the end all and be all of the conversation. I turn to Keon for support but I know by his look that this is not the amen section.

I whip my phone out determined to prove them wrong, "Y'all don't know shit" They both watch in amusement as I ask mom to buy me the new iPhone. I groan at her answer and beg her.

"Ma please I want it!" I complain in hopes that it will change her mind. I hear her sigh on the other end and I know what she's about to say. 'Kendra don't annoy me'.

"Kendra don't annoy me" She warns and I pout. Ma hates when I beg and plead but this is for good reason. Times have evolved and I have to evolve with it which means I have to get rid of my old phone. 

They probably don't even make iphone 4's anymore!

I hear David and Keon snicker behind me and I flip them off. At least they got an upgrade my cell phone still has to be paid off. "I told you Kendra let it go" Keon teases and that pisses me off.

"But that's not fair! When you wanted a new game for your playstation ma didn't object." I argue and Keon laughs at my argument.

"Did you forget the part where I paid for it myself?" He argues back.

Damn it!


"Childish" David chimes in and I turn my attention to him.

"What about your new basketball? Ma moved heaven and earth to get it for you!" I complain and ma huffs in irritation.

"Maybe dad will get it for you. You know he'll buy you whatever you want" Keon offers and I become excited by Keon's good idea. He doesn't have them very often but ever so often he'll be on to something.

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