Trouble in Costco ✨ {Edited}

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"Ma we've been in this store for hours!" I whine as we go down yet another aisle in Costco.

"It's a Sunday Kendra you ain't got much to do" She responds and I tell her that doesn't matter. Honestly, who spends more than two hours in Costco?

"You're so dramatic Kendra we haven't even been here for that long"

"Mom we've been down this aisle three times" I point out. Ma bends down and runs her fingers against the bottles. 

Her eyes squint, "Where is the onion powder?" She questions with no regard to my complaints.

I growl and grab the onion powder to hand it to her, "Thanks you're so helpful" She smiles and puts it into the cart.

We fill our cart to the max and as we pass the bakery my ma gasps, "Bread" I put my hand on the cart to stop her and she smacks my hand.

"Don't touch my cart!" 

"Come on this is why no one wants to come with you here," I tell her. 

Her face resembles shock, "What does that mean?"

"It means you don't spend hours in any other store but this one, you're obsessed!"

"Look at our cart, it's already full. How will it fit in the car if you keep this up?" I question and she folds her arms. She looks at me with her 'you must not know who I am' stare.

"No cart is too full to fit in the car you just have to know how to pack it, and trust me I'm always packing" She says and when she turns I shake my head. That is not what that means.

As we head for the line a cart comes out from one of the aisles and crashes into us. I huff as I bend down to pick up the stuff and the lady's son does the same. I look up to but when I see his face I wish I didn't.

"Oh God," He says and I return the favor. 

"You got jokes don't you?" I mutter to the Lord as ma gives Lincoln's mom a hug. Lincoln and I barely look at one another but when we do it's enough to kill each other.

"Can we go suddenly I don't feel well" Lincoln spits as he looks me up and down.

"Real mature Scott tell me did you think of that all by yourself?" I spit back as both of our moms look at us strangely.

"Are you two still at each other's throats?" Mrs. Scott questions and I tell her it's because her son is a jerk.

"Like you're such a saint. No offense Mrs. Lyon but your daughter is the spawn of Satan" Lincoln tries but Mrs. Scott doesn't like that. She plucks Lincoln in the back of his head and I grin.

"Watch your mouth young man" She reprimands and orders that he apologize.

"Yeah when Kingdom comes!" Lincoln refuses and Mrs. Scott threatens that he'll see the Kingdom before his time if he doesn't apologize.

I stare at Lincoln and wait for my apology, "Well, get on with it" I prompt him. Lincoln looks away and I can see how difficult this is for him.

"I'm sorry" He grumbles and I put my hand to my ear. 

"I'm sorry what was that I couldn't hear you?" I ask with a grin on my face. I guess two hours in Costco isn't so bad after all.

"I said sorry" He voices so I can hear it and I happily accept his apology.

"You too Kendra," Ma orders and I whip my neck to her. Excuse the fuck me, why do I have to apologize? Ma orders me once again and annoyed I turn towards Lincoln.

"Sorry" I mutter under my breath and he puts his hand over his ear.

"I'm sorry what was that I couldn't hear you?" He uses my words against me and I apologize loud enough for him to hear. 

Ma pushes me along as she chops it up with Lincoln's mom. I turn around to see him flip me off and I do the same. As I walk towards the line I have a serious conversation with God, "We need to find a new Costco. Apparently, they just let anybody up in here"

When we're finally out and back at the car I tell ma that it will take a miracle to pack all this crap into the car. "Have ye of little faith" She responds before she starts to work her magic. 

"Wow, you really do have a talent for this," I say as she sticks the strawberries on top of the cereal and closes the trunk. We get in the car and once we're on the highway mom becomes really quiet.

"What's up?" I ask and she shrugs her shoulders.

"I just noticed that you and Lincoln don't really get along. How long has it been since you've known the kid?" She mentions and I ask her what makes her think that. Lincoln and I get along just fine.

"Don't get smarty lil' lady" She replies and I chuckle.

She gets serious and eventually so do I, "I don't know we just never see eye to eye I guess" I answer and she asks me to explain.

"When did this start?" She questions and I think back to freshman year when he first got there. We've been at each other's throats so long who can remember how it started.

"I don't know but I hate him" I admit and ma tries to back hand me.

"I don't like that word" I argue that it's the truth but she doesn't agree. I lean my head back as ma lectures me about that word. How I shouldn't go around with that kind of attitude because I don't know what people go through.

"If you spent one day with him then you'd understand. He hates me too and I'm alright with that it's how we are. And another thing he's the one who started it he just came out the woodworks like that" I defend myself.

I await a response but none come, "See you agree with me" 

"It's just in my experience when someone doesn't like you and you've done nothing most times it doesn't have anything to do with you personally" She answers and I think about what she just said.

Leaning my head against the window I think of what could make Lincoln so angry. Angry enough to take it out on me?


When we get home we find the boys along with Darnell and Rowan on the couch. They watch a football game on TV before ma calls for their attention.

"Hey, mama" Darnell waves.

Why Darnell insists on calling ma mama is beyond me, beyond the rest of them too. Then again Darnell is like ma's fourth child so I guess it's cool.

Ma demands they come help put groceries away and as they do Darnell and Rowan start a conversation about colleges.

"David I know I told you to start your applications did you?" Ma questions and David scoffs.

"Of course I did," He says confidently but as soon as he turns his face falls and I shake my head.

"What about you Kendra?" Rowan asks me and I tell him I filled out all the ones in the area.

"I feel like everyone in our school will end up at the same college, no one wants to go away" David mentions and they agree.

"Hopefully not all of them," I say.

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