Sibling Wars ✨ {Edited}

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"And if you hadn't been with those whores we would have them!" Helen growls angrily.

"Damn Charles," I say as I stir my soup. I tuck my legs under me and watch as Helen beats the hell out of her husband.

"You tell him!" I state and wave my hands as the church mothers do.

I watch in amusement as she continues to go off when David and Keon enter the room. They take a seat on the couch and Keon grabs the remote. In a swift second Keon changes the channel to some basketball game.

"Excuse you!" I erupt as I turn and glare at him. Keon ignores me and I demand that he gives me the remote back. He scoffs and now I have to put my delicious soup down and deal with their foolery.

"Give it back!" I demand once again and he turns up the volume.

David laughs, "Settle down baby sister and watch the game" He adds and I tell him to shut up.

I get up and stand right in front of Keon, "Look, I'm not about it today" I warn before I hold my hand out.

Keon smiles up at me, "Oh, you're not about it. You're not playing these games?" He mocks me and I begin to feel frustrated.

"I will end you, Keon" I threaten annoyed. He's such a child I swear sometimes I truly wonder who's older. He has the physique of an adult just not the mentality of one.

"Give it here" Keon leans back onto the couch and refuses.



"Keon" I warn.

"Kendra" He mocks again.

I try to grab the remote from him but he moves his hand out of the way. I begin to get a little irritated because I hate when Keon plays these games. It's so childish and immature.

"You don't want to go there with me" I warn. Keon and David chuckle at each other and I hate it when they gang up on me.

"Or what?" He challenges.

"Give it back"

"And if I don't"

"You don't want to find out"

I try to grab the remote from him again but he moves it away from me. Eventually, he and I get into an all-out brawl. David, of course, the traitor that he is starts to tickle me so I lose focus.

"Traitor!" I spit when David pins me down.

David chuckles and finally releases me. I stand up and I feel the blood boil in my veins. "Watch your back!" I warn both of them. They look at me then each other before they laugh.

"You've officially declared war!"

"Over what?" David laughs.

"Tyler Perry?" Keon adds as they both continue to laugh. I swear I hate that I'm the youngest sibling. They annoy me so much!

I grab my soup and stomp off to the kitchen to finish it. I pull out my phone and put in my headphones. I scroll through my music and let that calm my nerves. I flip through the messages and realize that I have a lot of shit to do tomorrow.

I have to meet with my guidance counselor, soccer practice and I have work! Then I have the thesis paper that I didn't even start and it's due soon. I finish off my soup and decide to do homework upstairs.

I pass the living room to see Keon and David as they nearly bounce off the walls. Keon catches me and he waves the remote in my face. Fine! If that's the game he wants to play, then let's play. Maybe when he finds a hobo's underwear in his pillow he'll think twice before he tries to cross me.


I finish the last of my questions and when I check the clock it's almost 7:30. I hear the front door unlock and I figure it's ma. I close my laptop and head downstairs to meet her.

She puts her bags down and it smells like Chinese food, I love Chinese food. I go through the bags and soon I feel a smack on my hands. Keon moves the bag towards him and smirks, "Oldest gets to pick first"

I narrow my eyes at him like he's an idiot and when I go to sit down the chair moves out from under me and I fall to the ground. David and Keon erupt in laughter as I feel my blood pressure skyrocket! Dickheads!

"You fu-" Before I can finish my sentence I remember ma is a few feet away.

"Ooh watch your language" David teases and I glare at him.

"So these are the games you want to play?" I shout at them and Keon just laughs at me.

"Come on Kay that was funny" David cracks up and I pick myself off the ground.

"Alright that's enough" Ma interrupts as she sets out plates for us.

"They started it!" I argue back and Keon just laughs.

"That's not a fact"

"Yes, it is!" I roar angrily. I'm so sick of their stupid games.

"Alright Kendra calm down," Ma tells me but I'm so wrapped up in my anger I can't.

"They've been at it since this afternoon and I'm sick of it!" I scream. Ma points her finger at me and tells me that I better watch my tone. I take in a deep breath to cool my attitude. I can't even look at them.

"Yeah Kay calm down" David teases and ma turns to him and tells him to shut up.

David falls back and I feel my hands begin to twitch in aggravation. Ma tells us to take a minute away from each other and I stomp away. I crash onto my bed and begin to squeeze my fists together to release some anger.

"You need to get your sons man because I'm about to hurt they feelings! You never let them pick on me." I say. I close my eyes and grab hold of the locket around my next. Memories of the one who gave it to me come to mind and I feel a lump form in my throat

"Why did they do this to you?" I ask. My voice breaks almost instantly. I open my eyes and the tears fall as I put a hand over my mouth to cry.

Memories of the day he died come back and I just don't understand why they did it. He was on his knees, he wasn't dangerous and yet they killed him anyway.

"Didn't they know you were a good person?" I ask as I wipe away the tears. I open the locket and stare at the both of us together. We were so happy but then they took him away.

"Didn't they know how much I love you?" I choke out as I hold the locket close.

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