Movie Night ✨

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Once I get home I spend the next three hours transforming my room into the ideal space. It's almost seven and the rain has finally stopped. I pace my room feeling anxious at the thought of him coming over. My entire body is on alert waiting for my phone to ding or my doorbell to ring. I still can't believe I invited him over.

My phone finally dings and I jump at the sound. I open my phone to see a text from him, he's here. I give my room the once over one more time and fly down the stairs. As I draw nearer I force myself to slow down. If I get there all out of breath and looking a mess he'll start with his shenanigans.

I take in a deep breath and open the door for him.

With a bag in one hand and his car keys in the other he's leaning against the railing. He's dressed in some sweats, a large sweater and some slides. His hair is pulled back into a man bun and for a minute I'm speechless. Cole does casual very well.

He smirks at me, "You don't have to undress me with your eyes baby girl I'm sure your hands work just fine" He teases and I feel my slightly embarrassed. Telling him to shut up I open the door him.

He steps inside taking a look around and I close the door behind him locking it. I tell him to follow me upstairs, that's where the real party is. His brow raises as we walk, "Cute and straight to the point? You sure are one of a kind" He comments and once again I tell him to shut up. He chuckles and a small smile pulls at my lips.

We enter my room and I happily present my set-up. Fluffy pillows, snacks, drinks, movie and all fixings for a good night. He steps further inside shutting the door behind me. He looks around, "If you're trying to seduce me you're on the right track. All you need now are some slow tunes and a box of condoms" He says and my jaw nearly drops to the floor.

He looks at me grinning and tells me to pick it back up, "It was just a joke" He takes off his hoodie and throws it on the bed. I dim the lights a little and we take a seat on the floor and get comfortable.

He opens his bag and flips it over dumping out an assortment of snacks including my favorites, Honey Buns and Hot Cheetos. I nod approvingly while taking a bun in my hand. Looking to him I grin, "You sure know your way to a girl's heart" I commend and he smiles proudly.

"Didn't want to come empty handed when I pulled up" He replies and I pull the wrapper off my snack. I take a bite of my bun and take out my laptop to watch some movies. I put in my password. "So, why did you want me to come anyways?" He asks and I pass it over to him.

He pulls up the Netflix site and begins scrolling through some suggestions. He awaits my answer. "Why do you want to know?" I question back and he chuckles lightly. "Because you never hit me up especially to come over" He responds and I shrug my shoulders. I tell him that Jade and Queen were busy so he's my last resort.

His jaw drops a little and he puts a hand over my heart, "Wow, you really do know how to hurt a guy's pride, even after I bought you buns and cheetos" He mentions and I push his shoulders a little bit.

"Well you know I try"

He laughs lightly but soon he asks the question again, more seriously this time. Not wanting to go into detail I just ignore him and point to some suggestions. Central Intelligence, Mean Girls, or Freedom Writers?

At first he doesn't respond but then votes for none of them. What? I thought he'd at least pick Central Intelligence. I ask him why and he calls them all trash. I immediately refuse saying Mean Girls and Freedom Writers are not trash, they're timeless.

"Yeah sure" He responds while moving the movies out of the way. I roll my eyes and watch as he picks a movie called King Kong. The only person I recognize in this movie is Jack Black. I munch on some cheetos as the movie goes on and I think I was making him angry with all of my questions.

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