Tales of a Broken Heart ✨

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A/N: WE ARE ONLY CHAPTERS AWAY FROM THE FINALE! This story is coming to an end and I am so excited because this will be the third book of mines completed! Are you guys ready for the end of the road? FYI: This isn't like the most exciting chapter but you know it's coming. Just stick with it because ain't shit happening :(


By the time the weekend was over and Monday comes around everyone knows what went down on Friday. It's official, David and Nicole are over. Everyone was blowin' up my phone, Nicole's phone, David's phone you name it. Everyone was hittin' everybody's line trying to get the tea.

I truly feel bad for them to be honest. Everyone in their business and their breakup has been publicized and it's not right, they're not even famous but people sure actin' like they are. Nicole is a mess but David doesn't seem to care.

The entire weekend he's been leaving to go play ball, walking around smilin' and shit like he just heard the best news and I don't understand it. How can you claim to love somebody but turn around and completely devastate them like that? To make things worse it seems like David doesn't even care.

"David" I complain for the millionth time.

I follow him throughout the house demanding an explanation from him. It may not be my business per say but Nicole is a close friend and we both want to know why her heart is in pieces right now. David's being very dismissive waving me off and ignoring me.

"David!" I raise my voice a little louder and his face rolls up.

"What?" He responds matching his tone to mines. Usually when David is in one of his moods I step to the side and get out of his way but I can't do that this time. He has some explaining to do. "Tell me what happened" I ask and he simply tells me no.

"Why not?"

He huffs and begins walking away from me. I follow him, "Why not?" I ask once again and he tells me that what happens between him and her is their business. I laugh at that, everyone knows when you date someone it's not just ya'll two.

"It becomes my business when she's calling my phone blubbering about how much of a jackass you've been to her, you broke her heart" I state but he doesn't seem to care. I just don't understand how heartless he can be about this. He told me once that he loved her and now he's acting like he never has.

He doesn't say anything and I start snapping my fingers, "Uh hello?" I question annoyed and a look of frustration sets in his face. "Kendra, just mind your business man" He groans and I mimic his groan.

"Look I get it if you don't want to talk about it with me but you have to give her something, anything because you owe her that?" I reason with him but he doesn't look at me. He's looks at everything but me.

"Do you know how much she loves you bro? How much she's given up? When things weren't looking too good for you who was there or have you forgotten?" I remind him and that gets his attention.

He finally looks at me and the frustration is gone. A look of sadness and guilt shows and I get the feeling that this is bothering him way more than he'd care to admit. "She gave yourself to you and trusted you" I continue and for the first time I actually feel disappointed.

"How could you break her heart like that?" I question.

I carefully watch his expressions as they go from frustrated, to guilt and sadness to realization. All I know is there has to be more to this story, people don't just break up with people over nothing, do they?

"I didn't mean to hurt her but" He responds while running a hand through his hair.

"Sometimes things happen and those things can change everything" He says and without another word turns from me and walks away. I watch him as he goes and I wonder where I've heard that before.


Hours have passed since my talk with David and afterwards he left out. We don't know where he went but all I know is he's to be home before the street lights come on. Ma and I sit on the couch flipping through channels when she asks how school's been going.

I sigh and tell her it's been fine.

"How's Jermaine?" She asks next and I sigh once again. Still mad.

I fold my arms, "We're not really talking anymore" I answer and she questions why. I tell her about how he was so positive I liked this vanilla boy named Cole. At Vanessa's party I was forced to kiss him as a dare and now Jermaine doesn't want to have anything to do with me.

Ma listens and tells me that's rough. I chuckle, "Thank you for that great advice ma" I joke and laughing she tells me to shut up. I completely turn to her and lay my head on her shoulders.

"What should I do? I hate that he's so angry at me"

She places a hand on my thigh and squeezes a little, "He'll come around once he realizes that you don't actually like this boy and he's being ridiculous" She suggests and I highly doubt that.

We sit in silence as she scrolls and suddenly another thought pops into my head, "Dad's birthday is this week" I mention while looking down at my fingers. She doesn't say anything except run her hands down her braids.

"Are we going to his grave?" I ask next and faintly I hear her breathing hitch.

She starts clearing her throat and tells me that she's going away for a little while. I know what this means, she's leaving for his birthday. It's in a few days and she hates being in the house or area. Hence her leaving to go visit Auntie Ava to distance herself.


She grabs my hands and squeezes it, "I'm sorry" She apologizes and I know deep down she really is. All of us look more like our dad than our ma and sometimes that gets too much for her. She misses him ten times more and it hurts a thousand times more. We know she doesn't harbor any resentment towards us so we don't think about it too much.

"I'm leaving on Thursday and won't be back till Sunday" She states and I just tell her okay. I hate it when ma leaves but I understand her desire to get away. She also mentions she's also taking Keon because it's going to be a long drive.

I never went to dad's grave without Keon. I always take him with me because he's the oldest and he's the strongest emotionally out of all of us. He's sort of the rock of the family and despite how hard the day is already he manages to make it easier for everyone.

I guess it'll just be David and I this year.

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