Academic Woes ✨ {Edited}

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"As you work on your worksheets I'll hand out last weeks test" Mr. Potter announces while holding up a manilla folder.

I close my eyes and pray to God for a good grade. If I fail a test I'm screwed. As he goes around the room I press hard against my pencil. My anxiety is constantly through the roof with this class. Who knew calculus could be so damn difficult?

He finally gets around to me and Cole and when he folds my paper in half and hands it to me I already know I failed. Why couldn't he have given me false hope and handed it to me like I got an 80 or above?

I open the paper slightly and when I see the 63% circled in red with a saddened face I push too hard on my pencil and it snaps in half. I failed a test, a test!

"This is a joke, it has to be" I say to myself as I put my head in my hands. I studied hard for this test and what do I have to show for it? Whose mother am I supposed to show this too?

Cole leans over to me and asks me if I'm okay, "Go away" I demand not in the mood and when he tries to take my paper I slam my hand down on it.

"No" I growl and he asks why not.

"Because I don't want you to see it, that's why" I hiss and he tells me my grade can't be that bad.

I laugh, "Oh it can" I beg to differ and he begs me to just show him.

"Why so you can laugh at me?" I ask.

He looks shocked, "I'd never laugh at you girl"

I roll my eyes, "Would you stop with that name! Seriously it's Kendra" I tell for the thousandth time.

"Yeah, no" Cole flips open my test and as he scans over the paper I feel embarrassment wash over me.

"I know I suck." I say in a hopeless tone and Cole tells me to stop.

"Oh, most definitely, but not every test you'll pass. You just need help on the short responses; everything else is pretty much right." I eye him suspiciously as I slide my test back over to me. I would think he'd crack some joke about it but he seems pretty mellow.

"Why are you helping me?" I question with my eyes narrowed at him.

"What can I say" Cole sits back in his seat with that stupid smirk on his face. As if he's doing this as an act of selflessness.

"You should be proud, you did better than I did" He mentions and for a brief moment that makes me feel better. I look at his paper but when I see the 92% with a stupid smiley face I look to him confused.

He looks at me with a smile, "If the numbers were reversed" When I realize what he is trying to say I punch him in the chest.

"That's not funny Sterling I still failed!" I shout and he bursts into laughter. Annoyed, I put my head down as Cole laughs at yet another one of his corny little jokes.

This is why we don't fucking get along.


When class lets out I head towards the library for study hall. As I turn the corner someone grabs my arm and pulls me to the side. David stares in front of me and he looks rough. Like he hasn't slept in days kind of rough.

"Good God man what the hell?" I ask and he tells me to shut up.

"Ooh touchy today I see?" I tease him. David rolls his eyes and asks me instead if I heard it last night.

"Hear what?" I ask and he mentions how around one in the morning he heard someone come in the front door.

"No because like normal people I'm asleep" I respond and David growls.

"Can you be serious Kendra? I heard ma come in" He complains and I swear David is being dramatic.

I fold my arms not convinced, "Okay and?" David's eyes widen as if the answer is so obvious.

"And! Why would she be out so late?"

I think for a second, "Maybe because she's a grown ass woman and wanted to be out till one" I try and he narrows his eyes at me.

"Yeah if she was 23 or had any friends" He argues and I roll my eyes.

"Clearly you need to start going to bed on time" I say as I turn on my heel to leave. David calls out for me and grabs my arm.

"I think ma is seeing someone" He reveals.

For a second I don't even register his words, "What?" David confirms what I think he said but I don't believe it for one second. It's all in David's head it has to be.

"This must be a joke. You're not actually serious, right?" The thought makes me laugh but when David doesn't even crack a smile my laughter dies down.

I scoff, "Ma would never date someone it's too" I stop mid sentence and clear my throat.

"It's too soon," I say in a lower tone.

"I wouldn't lie to you Knedra about this" He tries again and I put my hand up.

"David do you even hear yourself? You probably just miss him and I get it" I say and something in David's face changes like what I said hit a nerve.

"That's not it"

"I know we're still dealing with what happened and it's normal to-"

"This isn't about him!" David shouts. Suddenly conversations around us cease and I feel all eyes on us. David runs a hand down his face and states more calmly that it isn't about dad.

With that he walks away from me and I try to process the thought of mom seeing someone. She wouldn't and she can't. David is wrong.

He has to be.

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