Vanilla & Chocolate ✨ {Edited}

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"He did what?" Jade asks as we stand on the lunch line. Usually, I won't come near the schoolie but the way my stomach is set up right now, I just have to suck it up.

"He practically ran me over and then tried to make me apologize for it. Then Mr. Ramon comes out and all of sudden he wants to be nice." I say as I grab a sandwich and fries. We make our way to our table and take a seat.

"And on top of that, he called me... baby girl" 

Jade's face immediately rolls up, "Ew!"

"Right! And now the stupid bastard knows my name" I stab at my food with my fork and shove some fries in my mouth. 

I stab at my food with my fork and shove some fries in my mouth. Jade looks down at my impaled plate amused and chuckles, "You know you don't need a fork for that, right?" She comments before she dips a fry in her ketchup.

"Shut up!" I say as I munch on my own fries.

She lifts her plate up to me, "Ketchup?" She asks and I roll my face up.

"Jade no matter how many times you ask I refuse to eat that shit, it's nasty!" I tell her yet again. It's like she has no idea who I am.

"The last time you tried it you were eight maybe your palette has changed" She suggests and I look down at the red sauce.

"Nope, it looks gross, smells gross, and tastes even worse" I refuse.

"That's the same excuse from like ten years ago" She complains.

"And it's the same valid excuse ten years later" I argue back and she rolls her eyes.

"You're so difficult" She grumbles and I smile triumphantly. Soon Jade's eyes brighten and she leans toward me.

"Oh my God I have to put you on, this shit was crazy!" She doesn't say much at first she only bites her lips. Jade only does this when she has true gossip for me.

"Child spill!" I urge her and Jade smiles deviously.

"I heard that Zayla and Anderson were at a party together and apparently they were all up on each other" Jade reveals.

"Are you serious, I thought they hated each other? I swear that entire group loves them some black women. Doesn't Anderson like Iris though?"

"And that's not all. Miranda told Jame, who then told Mikayla who ran her mouth to Trina who told Lex-" Jade continues.

"Just get to the person that told you" I cut in and Jade sucks her teeth.

"No fun. Well, Ife told me that they did the good ol' bump and grind in the bathroom." Jade finally reveals and I almost choke on my water.

"Jade do not play with me" I warn and she shakes her head.

"On God bro and I also heard from Rowan-"

"Wait a minute" I stop her and narrow my eyes at what she just said.

"You talked to Rowan? The one that cheated on Queen?" I ask her and she looks at me all guilty

"Maybe..." She trails off and I sit back a little.

"Unbelievable!" I groan.

"I'm sorry he was there and I had to tell someone"

"I thought we decided to stay out of it especially since he hangs out with-" Before I can even finish my sentence the doors to the cafe open and in walks the devils themselves, the Vanillas.

Now I didn't come up with it, in fact, I think it's just plain stupid to call them that but apparently, that name caught on for some unknown reason that really isn't that unknown. If that's what they're called then you can guess what we're called. Then again I always preferred chocolate over plain old vanilla anyways.

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