Talking Reckless ✨

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A/N: HAPPY 13K YALL! I feel beyond blessed this is real crazy though! Who knew my story would resonate with so many people, thank yall being awesome. I know I haven't updated in a good min but I'm going to fix that because I'm writing right now.

My schedule has literally been filled to the max and I haven't had time to do it but thanks for sticking around! This week I'll post one every day just to catch up. Once again thank you guys I feel so proud to be the author of this story!

Jade sings the last note adding a little run at the end and once the track finishes people start clapping and cheering. Mostly Queen whose losing her mind right about now. I even spot Cole in the back clapping his hands for us. Both Ms. Langston and Mr. Jefferson give Jade and I a thumbs up and Jade smiles proudly.

"And that's how it's done" She says into the mic and she looks past me. I follow her eyes and realize Annabelle is standing near the curtains sending death glares our way.

If eyes could kill, you know?

Ms. Langston congratulates us on a job well done and we exit the stage. As we pass Annabelle she keeps her eyes forward and I can just feel the irritation radiating off of her. I don't know why we barely even talk to that girl and she seems to have a problem with us.

"Sis, better keep her eyes right or it'll be on sight straight up" Jade comments as we make our way down to the audience. I scoff, "Girl, pay her no mind, neither pressed nor stressed," I remind her and she points at me.

"You right, she's probably some freshman who thinks she can run shit" She mentions and I tell her that we're whole seniors. What we look like worried about some freshman, bean head ass little girl?

We take our seats next to Queen and she turns to me, "Guess whose here" We all turn our heads to see Lincoln, Frankie and Anderson walk through the doors. They dap Cole up and turn to look at us.

Turning around all three of us look at each other and roll our eyes, "Great" I mutter under my breath as I hear their voices getting closer and closer. They take a seat behind us, God only knows why, and we try our best to ignore them.

I try to listen to what Ms. Langston is saying but I keep feeling someone kicking my chair. It's not hard but enough that I can notice. After another kick I turn around irritated and stare Lincoln in the face, "Will you stop, you're being a dickhead!" I say and all he does is just smile.

"I'm not doing anything Lyon" He plays and I narrow my eyes at him.

"And I'm not playing Scott, stop!" I demand while turning back. Why do they have to be so annoying? Honestly, what the hell are they even doing here?

"Somebody's angry" Anderson sings and Queen turns around next.

"Would you just stop, honestly, is being a jackass a natural thing for you?" She questions and Anderson pouts.

"Awe, you're so cute Queen, I wouldn't even waste a good comeback on your sweet ass" He responds and Jade turns around then.

"Say something else Anderson and me and you are gonna have words," She threatens and Frankie chuckles.

"What, are you going to fight him?" He questions and Jade smiles.

"Oh you must've forgotten Frankie, but I fight boys too" She snaps.

Anderson scoffs, "That's cause you are one"

The boys erupt in laughter and I can feel my frustrations rising even more. They are such dicks!

"With that deep ass voice of yours" Lincoln chimes in and in a second Jade is on her feet ready to fight.

Frankie and Anderson stand too and soon Queen and I join Jade, "Jade" I warn while grabbing her arm. She looks to me angrily and I remind her where we are. We look around to see that most people are staring at us now.

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