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lexis pov

i sat in my room, which won't be my room in a few days, with julia, my best friend. julia and i have been friends from day one. we connected the day i moved here and we have been friends ever since.

"not only is she making me move, she's making me move back to chicago, to the south side, in my old house, RIGHT across the street from him and his family." i said to julia.

i told julia all about the boy, who made me feel loved, from the south side. it was almost like she knew him by now, like she actually met him from all the things i have told her. it was hard not bringing him up. most times i did, it wasn't even about him, just what happened around him, because all my 14 years of living in the south side, him and his family were my family. it was almost like i was just pulled into a foster home for two years and i am finally being released to go home, except this time, i don't want to go home.

"maybe he won't even notice you, i've seen pictures dude, you look way diffrent than when you lived over there." she stated.

"i really wish that was the case. i wish i could change my name and be a whole new person." i paused as i looked over at her. "but what if he does. what if he remembers me and hates my guts? what if he wants to punch me in the mouth for even leaving? i pretty much dropped him. like left him on the side of the road. i didn't even say bye to him the day i left. i didn't even say bye to his brothers and sisters, and they were family." i looked at my hands as i picked at dead skin around my thumb. "i fucked all of that up."

"it's been two years, you're both 16 now and he's probably forgiven and forgotten it's going to be okay, i promise."

"maybe i could just flash him my titties and he'll forgot everything." i joked as julia and i both laughed.

"he'll probably think that's an opening for sex. probably not a smart idea." we both laughed again and i sat next to her on the bed.

i looked up at her and smiled. "i'm going to miss you julia." i hugged her.

"i'll probably miss you more." she hugged my back.

"not even a chance."


i had gotten home from school that day and saw a moving truck in my driveway. im not going to miss this house, or this town, or the hell hole i call school. the only thing i'm going to miss is julia. she is my bestfriend, and we've been through a lot these past two years. julia and i have done some fucked up shit together. from breaking into an old ladies house for some expensive shit to help pay for bills, so pouncing on kids at school who had lunch money. it's been a ride with her and now it's all going to down the drain. all it's going to be is a memory and i'm not really sure if i'm ready to just make it that.

i walked into the house and made my way to the living room. the tv, couch, vases, entertainment stand, it was all gone, everything was all gone. i shook my head at it and instead of looking at the empty livingroom, i went to the kitchen. i opened the fridge and there was nothing. "oh my god!" i yelled out to no one in particular.

"lexi, they are taking everything tonight so go put all your stuff in the moving truck." my mom called to me thinking i was up stairs.

"where's our food, and the beer?" i yelled back as she walked into the kitchen. i watched her jump at my presents not knowing i was in here.

"i threw it out, we will get new stuff at the new house." she answered.

"new house? more like same old dump we lived in for my whole life, than took a vacation to alabama for two years and are now going home. no not home, a shit hole." i said and walked out of the kitchen shutting the fridge door.

"get back here." my mom hollered my way.

i ignore her and quickly made my way up the stairs. walking into my room, i saw a couple boxes that contain my belongings. i grab them and hauled them downstairs. before i made it to the front door i saw my mom starring at me. i assumed she wanted to say something to me but she held her lips closed and just shook her head. i glared at her and opened the door as best as i could and walked out, leaving the door open and bringing my things to the truck.

i placed my boxes in the truck and pushed them to the back as best as i could. i stepped back from the truck and looked at all the things inside. the couch and kitchen table. the tv and entertainment stand. the fridge and all the pictures from the walls and counters. the bathroom supplies and kitchen supplies. my dresser and moms dresser. my moms boxes and my boxes. everything was in here. everything we took from the old house, and everything we are bring back. it was all in here and was all going to be on it's way back to the slump i called home once.

i walked back into the house, walking to the living room and then to the stair case. i walked up them and into my room, looking around. nothing. there was nothing but my bed. i jump on it and lay facing the ceiling.

maybe they won't even be living there. maybe he won't even be living there anymore.

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