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lexis pov

"is your mom alright if you spend the night again?" carl asked as we sat on ians bed smoking one of lips cigarettes.

"she doesn't care." i shrugged and took a drag from the cigarette.

"are you going to sleep in ian's bed again?" he asked but he didn't look at me when he asked.

"depends, you gonna get a boner?" i rolled my eyes at him, handing him the cigarette.

"depends," he said copying me. "you gonna give me one?"

"horny mother fucker. but i'll pass for now. maybe later."

"that hurts." i watched as he took his own drag from the cigarette. the way his lips curled around the butt of the cigarette, and the way he sucked in the toxic smoke, to the way he blew the smoke out and laid his head back onto the wall it was attractive. smoking was never attractive to me, but when he did it, it was.

"kiss me." i told him quietly as i grabbed the cigarette from his hand.

carls head shot up from the wall. "what?"

"i said kiss me dumbass."

carl doesn't think twice before bringing his hand to the back of my neck and pulling me in to kiss him. i kissed back quickly and moved my hand that was free from the cigarette to his jaw. the way his lips moved against mine felt so natural and normal like its been done many times before. it was only the second kiss we shared and it felt like 400th.

after a couple of seconds, i smile into the kiss. "second time wasn't so bad huh?" i joked and he rolled his eyes.

"not bad at all." he stood up from ians bed and held out his hand. "come on, sleep in my bed tonight."

i agreed and we made our way up to carls bed.

carl laid on the outside while i laid on the inside. "night carl."

"night lexi."

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