twenty three

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lexis pov

carl and i returned back to his house. we parked ians car in the front praying no one inside saw us get out of it.

carl walks around to my side of the carl and stands in front of me. "jump on."

i roll my eyes at the boy but jump onto his back. "my legs work carl." i state but he ignores me.

"you're pretty light" carl states while taking us inside. 

"hey guys!" debs says running up to us.

"hey." i say and jump off carl before he can bring us inside. "where you coming from?"

"i was talking to fiona, she wants a family dinner tonight, you  are invited." she told me and small smile plastered of her lips.

"cool." i nod to her.

"sounds good. oh and carl?"

"what?" he looks at her with annoyance.

"i understand you and lexi have chemistry you two need to build up again, but her mom was wondering when she would be sleeping in her own bed again?" debbie says as we walk into the house.

"she did not say that." i stated. "she doesn't care where i sleep. i could be sleeping in an ally way and she couldn't give two fucks."

debs then said "well first, yes she didn't say that i was joking and second, if you end up on the streets come live with us, not even joking."

"you guys offer that so much that i'm about ready to just move in." i tell them while laughing, "but for real, you guys already have a full house."

"you're still welcome." debbie states sending me a wink.

all three of us walk into the kitchen. "i should probably go get ready for the thing fiona is having." i told the two before walking back to the living room to grab my shoes.

"i'm coming." carl called out, me stopping to wait for him.

"debs, you too?"

"no. need to shower, and clean a little." she called out, giving us a thumbs up.

"okay see you soon." i put my shoes on and waited for carl to put his on as well.

we made our way out the door and onto the stairs, but before we took any more steps carl grabbed my hand, for the second time today, and pulled me in. his lips hit mine and i laughed before kissing him back. after a couple seconds, he pulled away and looked at me. i smiled at him and he nodded. "let's go." and he pulled me down the stairs.

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