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lexis pov

"ready to meet mickey?" ian asks.

"hell yeah." i said getting into his car. "will he mind i'm coming with?" i asked as i buckled my seat belt.

"no, he won't care."

ian threw the car in drive and we took off down the road. it was a quick drive to say the least. some small chatter but other wise very peaceful.

once we got to a house iv never seen before, ian said, "this is it. mickey wants to walk so im going to leave the car here." he says getting out, i nod my head and follow him by getting out of the car.

ian walks into the house without knocking while i stay back outside waiting for the two. couple seconds later, ian walks out with who im guessing is mickey.

"who's this?" mickey asks ian while looking at me from the top of his stairs.

"this is lexi. she's an old family friend." both boys walked down the stairs and made there way in front of me.

"alright." mickey sent me a head nod, "you walking with us?"

i sent him a small smile and head nod.

i gave mickey a once over and then we took off walking.

mickey was a short guy. he was the complete opposite of ian. mickey was dark and he looked like he could hold his own, while ian was bright and crazy, in a good way. no wonder they have been together this long.

when i was younger, ian and mickey hung out a lot, but not many people new because ian wasn't out. ian told me in the car that mickey came out as gay for him and then they got the shut beat out of them by mickeys dad at the alibi. it sounds lovely, doesn't it.

"hey lex." mickey took me out of my thought process. i looked over at him.

"are we on a nickname bases already?" i questioned while we passed a women and her two kids.

mickey ignored the question and said, "wanna race to the stop sign right there?"

"don't be sad when i beat your sorry ass." i replied and sent a wink at ian. 

"oh, i like her, ian." mickey says and ian smiles at me.

i roll my eyes and mickey starts counting down. "3, 2, 1, and GO!" i start running and so does he. i race my short legs to the stop sign as mickey stops. i turn to look at him and he is running back up to ian. i roll my eyes and watched mickey grab ians neck and pull him in for a kiss.


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"YOU COULD HAVE JUST TOLD ME YOU WERE GOING TO KISS HIM INSTEAD OF MAKE ME RUN! I'M NOT A FUCKING RUNNER!" i screamed. mickey looks up at me with a grin and then runs after me. i attempt to run away, but he was quick with it and he ends up picking me up off my feet. "i think i gave him a boner." mickey says in my ear. then sets me down and runs to the stop sign.

i glance at ian and than back to mickey. "cause i wanted to know that."

"he's a little psycho." ian states as he runs up beside me.

"then aren't you two perfect for each other."  i lightly shoved ians shoulder.

"i'm not psycho." ian dead pans.

"if you say so." i shrug and smirk up at ian.

once ian and i caught up to mickey, he looked over at me. "so how do you know the gallaghers?"

"well, about two years ago, i lived across the street in that raggedy old house. my mom made me move because she found a better job, which was a total lie. ian here," i glanced at ian with a smile. "he was the first gallagher i met. he saved my mom after she passed out. she drank her self dead pretty much. i called the cops and ian saved the day. then after that, he introduced me to the rest of the gallaghers and i'v been close to their family ever since." i finished my spiel.

"so carl? he is your boyfriend?" mickey asked.

"definitely not," i raised my eyebrow at ian and punched his shoulder. "telling everybody my business now ian?" i joked. "but for real though, when i lived here last time, carl and i were close. we did things like a couple would do, but we were so young. i mean, we didn't even kiss."

"you kissed once." ian threw in.

"yeah, the day i left." i rolled my eyes. "we never dated we just liked each other."

"why wasn't it official?" mickey questioned as we made our was across the street.

"nosy mother fucker, huh?" i shook my head at the dark haired boy as he let out a chuckle. "it's because i had it in my head that we were to young, and once we became a couple we'd have to have sex and all that shit. it scared me." i shrugged.

"so do you still like him?" ian asked as we got to the side walk.

"honestly," i paused and looked at the two, "i have no idea."

"well don't push yourself just because you two have chemistry." ian pushed mickeys arm as he tried to take the cigarette ian was holding.

"i know."

"imma ask you two something and it stays between us, got it?" i warn the both of them.

"got it." they both mumble.

"okay, so carl keeps mentioning he wants to see me change or see me naked, is that just because he's horny or because he actually wants to see me naked?" i asked and ians eyebrows raise. "and i know i sound like i'm oblivious, but it's hard to tell with a dude who is all over anything with legs."

"i wouldn't know. carl is a mystery to me." mickey shrugs and takes a drag from ians cigarette.

ian shook his head at mickey before saying, "it's definitely hard with boys that age. i mean, at some point in time, carl liked you, and if i had common sense, i'd like to think he still does. so maybe he finds anything with two legs attractive, but with you, i think he actually likes you and would enjoy that time in bed with you rather than just a stupid fuck."

"doesn't have to be a bed." mickey throws in and ian and i both punch him in the arm. "ouch." mickey whines, "here take this, you'll need it." mickey then hands me a condom.

"it's probably got holes in it." i joke and then throw it to the ground.

"probably. i'm just trying to help out the cause."

"thanks." i roll my eyes at the boy and grab the cigarette from his hand, taking a drag.

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