twenty eight

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lexis pov

i woke up to the sound of someone moving around in the room. i open my eyes and look over carl to look see ian getting out of bed.

"morning ian." i said and sat up all the way.

"morning lex." he said using mickey's nickname.

"watcha doing today?"

"going to work with fiona at patsy's. what about you?" he asked as he changed into his uniform.

"going with carl to watch amy and jemma." i said and got out of bed. "do you think debs will let me borrow some clothes?"

"yeah she won't care, she doesn't fit in most of them right now anyway."

"alright. i'll be back." i say walking to the door. "oh could you wake carl up for me and telling him to get dressed?" i stick out my bottom lip in plead.


i walk over to debbies room and knock after tripping over a squeaky toy.

"come in." she hollers.

"hey." i open the door. "mind if i borrow some clothes?"

"yeah, go ahead. anything you want." debbie was setting up a crib in her room.


i couldn't find anything and i think debbie caught on because she got up and said, "here, let me help."

"here you go." she said and handed me a grey tank top along with some jean shorts.

"thanks debs

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"thanks debs." i say walking out of the room and to the bathroom. i change quick and walk back into carls room.

"ian, you were supposed to wake him." i said looking at a still sleeping carl

"i tried, he won't get up." ian shrugged and fixed his hair.

"carl," i say poking him "get up. we have to go watch amy and jemma."

carl didn't move. i peeked over at ian and then back at carl, "i'll show you my boobs if you get up."

"IM UP!" he yells.

"good, we gotta get ready to go to kev and v's."

"no, i want to see boobs." he smirked "yours preferably."

"to bad. get up, get dressed and let's go." i said and left the room.

i hear him groan and jump out of his bed while ian walked out of the room with me and we both walked down stairs.

"so, what did you and carl do last night?" he looked at me "saw you guys left to go upstairs during the party."

"shut it." i glared at him while we walked down the stairs.

he let out a chuckle and we continued our walk. we got into the kitchen and i saw fiona and lip talking about some collage thing.

"lip, you can't drop out." she says and it gets my attention

"you're dropping out of college?" i asked in surprise.

"i want to. i like being home, around you guys and everyone else." lip answered "plus, it gets boring, the party's get worse, everything there is all different from here."

"dont drop out, you'll end up like my mom." i shrugged at him. "you can do a lot just for going to college." i grab a piece of french toast fiona had made and pop it into my mouth while i watch carl walk down the stairs and i tell fiona where we are going and that we are leaving.

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