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lexis pov

"we should probably get out of bed and do something." carl stated.

us two have been laying in his bed for a couple of hours. we were pretty much playing catch up. i told him about my two years in alabama while he told me about the two years i missed here. it was honestly refreshing to hear about everything that happened. it was almost like i never left.

"what is there to do?" i rolled over, his arm falling off me and to his side.

"road trip?"

i narrowed my eyebrows at him. "carl, we can't drive."

"so? ian's got a car. i have drove before."

"i really don't want to go to jail." i told him shaking my head.

"we will be fine, i swear. i'm actually pretty good at it."

"really?" i questioned him.

"yes. after i got out of juvie i had money and i bought a car, so yes i know how to drive."

"okay one, where is that car now? two, you never told me why you went to juvie?" i say "why did you have to go?"

"trashed, and things." he says and jumps out of his bed.

"just things?" i push, "carl what did you actully do?"

"i fucked around with drugs and got in trouble for it." he glares at me. "now can we drop it?"

touchy subject i see.

i looked at him and he was changing into some clean clothes. i rolled my eyes.

"sorry, i didn't mean to piss you off."

"its not that i care you know, because i don't. i'd tell you everything about me if you wanted, but i know it's what your mom did for a while, and she went to prison for it for a couple months while you stayed in foster care, but i see the kind of relationship you two have, it's not a good one, and i don't want that to happen between us." he didn't look at me as he said that.

"i don't care that you did it, carl, and if you are still doing it i don't hate you for it. me and my mother, it's not because she sells drugs, she's a drunk, and a junkie. she's a huge bitch to me when she's drunk, and you already know she was abusive carl, so you have to know it's not about selling drugs that makes me not so happy with her, plus she made us move, twice, and the first was moving away from you guys, from you." i explained to him. "you were family to me, and she just took that away from me so yeah, we don't have to best relationship, but that won't happen with you." i sent him a small smile, "unless you start doing all that shit, then i'll hate your guts." i winked at him.

"i would never." he smiled up at me.

"good. now lets go get ians keys."

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