thirty four

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lexis pov

"eat my ass." i tell ian who is completely losing at a game of 'go fish.'

"fucker." he says.

"do you like me?" carl asked walking into the bedroom ian and i were in.

"yes. you know this." i told carl not looking away from ian and my game.

"what if a cuter boy moves into that house next to us?"

i laugh and he looks at me. i stand up from ians bed and walk over to him.

"carl, zac efron could move into the house and i would still like you."

a smile slips onto his face and i ruffle up his hair.

"fuck that, zac efron is to fucking hot not to fall in love with." ian says and i chuckle at him.

"wanna do something?" carl asks as he shakes his head at ian.

"can i finish 'go fish' first?"

"sure." he says and kisses my forehead.

"FUCKING PDA!" ian yells.

i roll my eyes at him and plopped back down on his bed.

"time to lose bitch." i smirked.


"DEBBIE WE ARE GOING TO THE POOL, COME IF YOU WANT!" i screamed up the stairs.

i put on my shoes and yell again, "DEBBIE! where the fuck is she?" i asked lip as he passes by me.

"at a friend's."

"you couldn't have told me that earlier?" i hit him in the arm and he smirked.

"ready?" carl asked.



"ohh gallagher. you just get hotter and hotter every summer don't you?" a blonde girl says walking up to us.

"fuck off amanda." he said grabbing my hand.

"you can't tell me you're dating this ugly fuck?" she smirked at me.

"ugly?" carl asked and looked at me "have you looked in a mirror recently?" carl asked not even looking at her.

"you could have had me carl. but you chose her, you're choice." she then walked away, swaying her ass back and forth.

"she's a full on skank." carl whispered to me while i set my towel down. "beat you to the pool!"

he started to run but i jumped on his back. he didn't mind though because he just jumped in the pool. we both went under. i came up for air as did carl and he grabbed my face and kissed me.

"go out with me." carl whispered after he pulled away.


"be my girlfriend."

"carl, you'd have to properly ask me to answer that." i smiled at the wet boy.

"will you be my girlfriend?"

"um, let me think about it." i smirked. carl shot water at my face. "i'm kidding. yes carl, i will."

"cool." he said and once again kissed me.

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