twenty one

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lexis pov

"do you even know how to start it?" i asked carl.

"yeah. just get in and start it up." he told me.

i got into the car and carl started it up, pulling it into drive and we were off.

"where should we go?" carl asks not taking his eyes off the road.

"um, wheres there to go to?"

"movies?" he suggested.

"okay and where we getting the money for the tickets?" i sassed him as he took a left.

"we'll sneak in."

i nodded my head and we pulled into a parking lot. there was a few cars here but not many. we are about to stick out like a sore thumb by sneaking in.

"so what's our plan?" i asked about the sneaking in.

"i got it covered, just follow me alright?" he says parking the car and getting out, me following. he runs around the car and meets up with me. "ready?" he puts out his hand for me to take it.

"ready." i take his hand and we start running over to a group of people walking out of the movie theater hinting that a movie just ended. "nows our shot."

carl pulls me behind him and goes through the crowd of people, we get up to the door and carl says to a lady that was about to leave the place. "ma'am, my mom is still in there please hold the door." he says and we get up to the door, the lady holds the door as asked and we get into the theater.

"now what?" i asked, glancing down at our hands still together.

"now we pick a movie. what one you want to see?"

"um," i thought but carl spoke up again.

"how about friend request. i heard it's scary and i know you like scary movies."

"sounds good. let's go" i said and he pulled me again to the theater that said friend request.

carl dropped my hand as we walked into the dark room. we quickly found spots and sat down.

as the movie played i looked around and noticed there was only a couple of people in here. my thoughts are taken away as i see carl fidgeting in his seat.

"you good?" i asked quietly.

"what? yeah." he said and looked away from me.

"you sure, you keep moving a lot?" i say and he doesn't say anything, "do you want to leave?" i tried again.

carl then gets up without even answering, which i take as a yes and follow after him.

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