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lexis pov

once we got to the pool we had sat out stuff on a chair and i looked around. there was a couple hundred other kids here. it was packed.

"it's a wednesday, how is it so packed?" debbie asked as we took out shoes off.

"it's summer, it's always packed no matter what day it is." carl told debbie as he waited for us to take our shoes off still.

i watched as debbie set up her towel and sat down criss cross on it. "i'm going to suntan." she stated. i nodded thinking i probably was going to.

"you always suntan, lets swim."

"lexi, look at him, he's cute." debbie said ignoring carl while pointing out a brunette boy.

"he is, but he looks like every other white boy and don't you have a boyfriend?" i asked setting up my towel as well.

"he left. i think it's about the whole baby thing." she shrugged as she put her sun glasses on.

"you think, i'd probably leave too." carl said and debbie hit him.

"damn, remind me to next let carl get me pregnant." i joked.

"you'd have to have sex with him first." debbie added smirking at me.

"if it was your baby, i'd stay." carl joked as well.

"awe, that makes me feel so much better about the thought of having sex with you." i winked at him and he rolled his eyes.

"let's go swim." carl said in a whinny voice.

"no, not that with that whinny ass voice. but i'm going to stay here with debbie and suntan. you can though." i said laying down on my towel.

he walked away and jumped into the pool while i layed on my stomach along with debbie.

"you know he wants to fuck you right?" debbie stated while looking over at the same white brunette boy.

"i know."

"he's always so horny it's disgusting. just like every 16 year old boy is."

"i'm sure not every 16 year old boy is horny." i tried but she was going to prove me wrong.

"watch." she gets up and walks over to the brunette boy.

"hey you, wanna fuck?" i hear her say to him.

"sure. down for a three sum?" he says and looks over at me.

i send him a nasty look, "no." while debbie walks back over to me.

"oh come on? just once?" the boy whines and debbie sits next to me.

debbie and i both ignore him while i go on, "okay so you're right every 16 year old boy is horny, and whinny."

"we are not." carl said as he walked up to us.

i watch as carl flips his wet hair over to the side and wipe some water off his chest while he stares at a girls ass that walks past him.

"hey i'm going to go jump in, wanna come?" debbie asked grabbing my attention.

"no. i still want to tan. have fun though." i wave her off.

she walked off and jumped in the pool while carl stayed back and sat next to me.

"you know, girls are much more hotter when they're wet." carl stated and i looked over at him and rolled my eyes.

"carl, please think about what the fuck you just said." i watched as he thought about his words.

he started laughing and said, "okay. you know what i meant."

"no. i have no clue. please, explain to me what it is you meant?" i starred at the boy and waited for him to creat an explanation.

he rolled his eyes. "you're really fucking annoying."

"i know i try really hard."

"we should ditch debbie and get out of here." carl laid down on debbies towel, getting it all wet.

"or we should sit here and let debbie swim." i told him while i turned onto my back, letting my other side get hit by the sun.

"boring." he groaned.

"you two need to get along better." i smiled and lifted my head to look at him.

"yeah right. she annoys me, i annoy her. it's our thing."

"you're really hot. could i get your number?" some guy said while standing in front of me, blocking my sun. i looked up at him. his feet were above my head while i laid on my back.

"go away please." i told the boy as he looked down from me.

"wanna go for a swim?" the guy tried again.

"the only swimming you'll be doing is swimming in your own damn blood if you don't go away. she asked you to leave." carl threatened.

the guy then laughed and glanced at carl. "i'm talking to her, not you gallagher."

"and she doesn't want to talk to you. she asked you to leave." carl said standing up.

"okay. fuck gallagher. possessive are we?" the guy then walked away.

"could of handled that." i told carl as he sat back down.

"it was more fun to threaten him." carl shrugged. "want to go swim now?"

"not really." i closed my eyes as the sun beat down on my skin.

"fine." he said, but two seconds after he said i felt water hit my face. i sat up quickly and ran my hands over my face. carl dumped debbies water bottle onto my face.

"carl gallagher i'm going to beat your ass." i say getting up and running after him.

"sure." he smirks and runs over to the pool. he jumps in and i stop before hitting the water.

"fuck you." i say after he resurfaced and i get into the pool myself.

carl goes under water while i swim over to debbie. once i make it to her, i feel someone come up behind me and before i can turn around, the straps from the side of my swim suit are hanging down.

"CARL!" i yell and grab my top before it fully falls and shows everyone my boobs. i quickly try and tie it.

"debs, please help me before i go and kill your brother." i glare at carl and debbie laughs, tying my swim suit top.

"or just take it off." he smirks swims away from us

"i'm going to kill him i swear to god."

"you two are something else." debbie says after she finishes tying it.

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