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lexis pov
us three made our way back to the milkovich house hold and ian and i got into the car.

"mick, you getting in or staying here?" ian asked through his car window while i buckled my seat belt.

"mhm, just let me grab my cigarettes." he said ran into the house.

"he's a lively one." i commented and ian laughed.

"he is, yeah."

i watched as mickey made his way back outside and to the car, pulling his body through the window on the car.

"it was unlocked." ian chuckles looking at mickey through the review mirror.

mickey shrugs and ian throws the car into drive. it was yet again a quick drive only this time i was fight off cigarette flames that kept flying into my face and hair sense ian had all the windows down. but after a couple more minutes of torture, ian pulls up to the gallagher house hold and i see my mom outside. "i'm going to go talk to my mom." i said as i get out of the car and headed towards my mom.

"lexi?" mickey questioned and i turned and looked back at him as he got out of the car with a smug look on his face.


he holds up two condoms, "you dropped these."

i flipped him off and ian and mickey both chuckled as they walked up the stairs and into the house. i made my way across the street and up to my mom. "hi mom."

"haven't seen you in a while."

"yeah. gallaghers." i said quickly.

"mhm, and carl?" she asked me and put out her roach from her joint.

"what about him?" i sat next to her in the grass.

"just wondering. i know you two were very close last time." i watched her as she glared over at the gallagher house. sge never did like the gallaghers. "anyway, i have to get to work, but you go have fun over there." she pointed to the gallaghers house.

"yep." i glanced at her as she got up from the grass.

mom made her way into the the house and i sat on the grass for a couple seconds longer. once i saw liam outside i made my way back over to the gallaghers

"hey liam." i ruffled up his hair and walked into the house.
i made my way to the kitchen and saw debbie holding up some baby clothes.

"where did ian and mickey go?" i took her attention off the clothes and she pointed to the stairs.

i gave her a head nod and ran up the stairs. i walked over to the boys room and walked in, completely not thinking of knocking. i just opened the door. "shit. sorry." i shut the door quickly and my eyes went wide. "what the fuck?" i shook my head and ran my hands across my face.

"knocking usually prevents that kind of stuff from happening." ian joked while opening the door. he was now not naked and in his boxers.

i roll my eyes. "yeah, sorry about that. next time, i will."

"looking for carl?" mickey asked.

"i wasn't but i am now i guess." i shrugged.

"you two going to fuck?" mickey ruffled up my hair and made his way to the bathroom.

"no. just to hang." i sent daggers to the back of mickeys head.

"or bang." mickey stuck his head out from the bathroom and sent me a smirk.

"or, fuck you." i flicked him off.

"that's ian's job." he spoke up once again.

"of course it is." i glanced at ian and he held a big smirk on his face. i shook my head and made my way back downstairs to let the two boys finish what they were doing.

"what are you doing?" i asked lip as i took the last step of the stair case.

"extra credit collage homework." he said without looking up.

"during the summer?" i asked him as i leaned over to see what he was working on.

"it helps to keep my mind on work and not beer or chicks," he stated. "grab me a beer yeah?"

"only if i can have one?" i tried.

"don't tell fiona and you can have six."

"i won't." i grabbed two beers and handed him one.

"so ian told me you asked about carl and is horniness?" i watch lips eyebrows raise and he grew a small smile onto his face.

"FUCK YOU IAN!" i screamed at the top of my lungs. "that was supposed to stay between me, mickey and ian. it was weird enough as it is."

"well now it can stay between us four." lip shrugged.

"it better or i'll throat punch all three of you." i rolled my eyes jokingly.

"so you can't tell weather carl wants to fuck or is just horny because you have legs?" he asked putting his pencil down.


"well for one, carl likes you. so even if he is all horny and likes anything breathing, sex with you would probably mean more than sex with anyone else." he stated.

"this is weird."

"what so you can have this talk with ian and mickey but not me?"

"keep going." i motioned for him to keep talking.

"all i'm saying is he'll enjoy it more than if it was a random girl from school that he only likes because of her body. carl actually likes you for you. you're not just a bang to him."

"wow, that's sweet." i roll my eyes and lip shakes his head as he punches my arm.

"point is, he is going to make jokes, we're guys we do that." he shrugs and picks up his pencil again. "now was that so weird?"

"definitely was very weird." i laugh, "but thanks."

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