twenty six

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lexis pov

i saw carl walked over and sit on the stairs and he was watching as everyone laughs and dances. i watched as he kept and eye on me. i smile over at him and he shakes his head, smiling and putting his head down like a kid who just got caught doing something wrong.

i shake my head at him as well and then i'm being pulled my the hand. i realize i'm being dragged by carl up stairs.

"carl where are we going? the party is downstairs, not up here." i told him but he obviously new that.

he doesn't say anything to me and i just stay quite and follow him up the rest of the stairs. once we get to his room i look at him "carl, may i ask why we left the party? i was having fun."

"it's boring."

"you're boring" i tell him as he shuts his door.

"it's cute when you try to be mean to me." he smirks at me.

i walked over to him and push his arm, rolling my eyes at him. "shut up."

"you know," he says moving closer to me, "you look super hot when you roll your eyes at me." carl then grabs my hips, turning us around and pushing me against his door. "but i really don't like when you tell me to shut up."

carl leans in and he kisses my lips, but not even seconds later, his lips are connected to my neck. he sucks and nibbles down on my skin while i lay my head against the door, trying hard not to let any noise out of my mouth. "jump." carl demands and i do right away. he grabs onto my legs and he brings us over to ians bed, he pushes me down, hovering over top of me.

he re connects our lips, biting down on my bottom lip. i then let out a small moan and he take it as his hint to travel down. he makes his way to my jawline and then my neck once again. with one hand holding him up and the other on my lower back, he stays around my neck a little longer, bitting and sucking. i can feel more hickeys forming already.

he makes his way down my chest, and then he stops and looks up at me. he looks away and takes his shirt off along with taking mine off too.

we continue to kiss as his hands start to wonder, he makes his way down to my pants. he breaks the kiss looking up at me again asking for permission, i nod, and he slowly takes off my pants, leaving me only in my bra and thong.

he pulls me closer to him and i feel him rub up against my thigh. he was very hard. he grazes me one more time which makes me moan for more. i watch him as he slowly looks up at me and smirks. he goes for his pants and quickly pulls them down, glancing at me and then hovering over me once again.

he puts his hands right under my bra and runs them down my stomach, kissing me while doing so. he takes his finger and grabs onto my thong which makes my body jolt forward, closer to him. he brings his hands back up and cups my checks with them, then kisses me.

he brings his hands to my heat and starts to rub. i let my body relax at the feeling and he grins up at me before he pulls my underwear down. i feel my breath hitch before he moves himself down on me. he then connects his mouth to my heat and my head shoots back to ians pillow. i place my hands into carls hair and tug and pull at it. when i pull a little harder carl moans into my heat which makes me moan even louder.

as he was so close to finishing me off, he stops and pulls his boxers down. he looks over at me and then grabs a condom off of ians dresser, putting it on and looking at me, "are you sure you want to do this?"

i nodded and he didn't hesitate before coming closer to me. he lifted up my legs and looked at me one more time before putting himself inside me. i grab onto the bed sheets and he pushes himself into me slow.

"faster carl." i tell him and put my head back yet again.

he goes faster and i let my moans out messily, carl as well. "fuck lexi." carl groans and shoots his head back.

"harder carl. please." i beg and carl goes harder. making my back arch.

carl moves his thumb down to my clit, making my breath stop and i let out a groan of pleasure. "oh my god, carl don't stop."

carl lets out another moan before saying, "im so close."

"don't cum yet, i'm not ready." i tell him and he obeys.

i can feel my insides tighten up and i nod my head, "keep going carl, i'm almost there."

he pushes in a couple more times and i hear him let out a loud moan, i do the same a couple thrust after.

"fuck." we both say as he puts his head into my neck. carl pulls himself off of me and he lays down next to me. we both stare at the ceiling breathing hard.

carl looks over at me. "you okay?"

i look over at him as well. "i'm great."

"why haven't we done that before?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

i rolled my eyes and stand up, getting into carls bed. i pulled the blanket over my body while he gets into his own bed, taking the condom off himself first. he turns his whole body so it's facing me and he pulls the covers back down.

"you know you don't have nothing to hide right?" he asked "i mean, i did just see everything, and i mean everything," he winks.

i roll my eyes at him and kiss his lips. i roll over to pick up my phone and see that its only 10.

i jump back out of his bed and get dressed, him doing the same and once we both are fully dressed we walk out of the room. carl walked into the bathroom to throw the condom away before we made out way to the stairs, but before we made it, carl was pulled into debbies room.

i shook my head and made my way down the stairs.

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