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lexis pov

"get up." carl whispered into my ear.

"mhm i'm up." i whined and rolled over facing the other way.

"lexi, please?"

"okay, okay fine." i smile over at him and sit up.

"good." he says jumping out of bed, me following.

"what should we do today?" i asked putting on one of carls sweatshirts. he turns and looks at me. "well we could.." i cut him off. "fuck off gallagher."

"ass." he rolls his eyes.

"we should go on a date." i stated, "and don't tell me gallaghers don't do dates."

he laughs, "a date? like you and me?"

"what? we never got to before i moved."

"so what that makes us, dating?" carl smirks over at me.

"no, we don't have to be dating to go on a date shut head."

"alright, fine. tonight at 7. patsy's place, sound good?"

"perfect." i say walking to his door. "see you then." i walk out of his room and run down the stairs and out the house. i walk across the street and up to my house walking in.

"finally home huh?" my mom says with a beer in her hand, "oh and without that stupid gallagher boy."

"fuck off." i say walking upstairs to my room.

"YOU'RE A WHORE!" she yells.



"NOT BOYFRIENDS MOM, SEX BUDDIES." i say and slam my door.

she always has something to say wether it's nice or not.

after about an hour of looking through the little clothes i had, i found nothing. i roll my eyes and get up. debbie has to have something i can wear for this date.

i run down the stairs, putting my shoes on in the process and make my way back over to the gallaghers.

i knock on their door and fiona opens up the door. "is debs home. need to borrow some clothes."

"shes not, but you can look." she lets me in and i run to the stairs, going up and into debbies room.

after looming for a couple minutes i stop and sit on debbies bed. she has shit for date type clothes.

"mandy." i then said to myself. "she has to have something.

i run down the stairs and say bye to fiona. then making my way to the milkovich house hold. once there, i walk up their stairs and knock, mandy answers. "if you're looking for ian, he's doing my brother right now."

"gross, but no. i'm actully here for you." i give her a big smile.

"okay, come in." she says letting me in and walking back into the house herself. "what do you need?" she says grabbing beer for the both of us.

"could i borrow some clothes. i have a date and nether debbie or i have clothes for the occasion?"

"yeah, follow me."

she walks to her room and i follow. her room is nothing like a girls room. it's dark and goth sorta. but that's just what mandy likes. that's the kind of girl mandy is.

"so who's the date with?" mandy asks as she looks in her dresser.

"carl." i reply and sit on her bed.

"so are you two a thing? like boyfriend and girlfriend, or,"

"no." she cuts me off

"no? so this is just a friend date?" she raises an eyebrow at me.

i smile "no, i mean, i like carl, but nothings official." i shrug at her.

"i get that." she nods. "that's kind of like what lip and i were. never really official." she glances at me. "sex?"

"once." i answered.

"going to do it more?"

"we'll see."

she laughs before saying, "here i think i found the perfect outfit." she says and hands me clothes. "you can change in the bathroom, but you'll probably be able to hear ian and mickey through the walls, so beware." she says jumping down on her bed.

"thanks." i walk out her room and find the bathroom.

i start to change when i hear a loud thud come from the wall. all i could imagine was ian and mickey. i shake my head and change quickly so i didn't have to listen to that noise anymore.

"hey, mandy this will work, thanks again and ill get it back to you soon

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"hey, mandy this will work, thanks again and ill get it back to you soon." i said walking into her room.

"nah keep it. it's cuter on you." she said rolling over to look at me, "now go have fun, well not to much fun. actully im not your mom, so go have fun, and lots of it." she winks.

i roll my eyes and smirk "will do mandy." i said and left her room.

i get to their door when ian calls me "where you going?" he asked.

"date," i said opening the door, "with your brother."

"oh with lip," he smirks "have fun."

"funny." i answered fake laugh.

mickey than walked up behind him. "round two?" he smirked then lost his smirk once he noticed me standing by the door.

"more like round 5," i joked and left threw the door.

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