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lexis pov

i woke up to chatter down stairs. loud chatter. i rolled over and felt carls spot empty. i grabbed my phone and checked the time. 10:46 am.

i got out of ians bed and made my way to the stairs, stopping when i heard my name.

"we all know you're horny, but if lexi dosent want to do any of that stuff you don't do it. don't ever push her to do it. we don't need lexi pregnant too. you got it?" i hear fiona.

sounds a bit like she's still bitter about debbie's pregnancy.

"i know." he answers her.

"morning." i say walking into the kitchen.

"morning." they say.

"want pancakes?" lip asks me as i take a seat next to liam at the table.


"it's great to have you back by the way." lip winks at me and i send him smile.

"it's good to be back." i reply.

lip hands me some pancakes along with liam.

"lexi, you want to come with me for baby clothes?" debbie asks as she makes her way down the stairs. i glance over at fiona to see her glare at debbie.

"yeah, after my pancakes though."

"what no." carl said "shes hanging with me."

"you hung out all day yesterday,"

carl cut her off "you were there too." he said.

"yeah well you hung out with her all last night." she defended.

"you know what lets settle this. lexi you're coming with me. mickey and i are going to walk around town, you can come." ian walked into the kitchen as well.

"wait i finally get to meet the mickey milkovich? i'm down." i say as both carl and debbie let out frustrated sighs.

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