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"well he's good. he went to juvie for a year when he was 14, it was like a couple months after you left actually. he got himself wrapped up in selling drugs. but he's back now and he's been good since." she shrugged at the thought of carl.

"juvie? damn. did he," i paused before asking my question. she probably doesn't even know. "did he miss me at all?"

"oh of course he did. you meant a lot to him." she set her hand on mine.

"did i hurt him?"

"im not sure, he never really told us anything. he kept everything to himself." finoa shrugged her shoulders at the thought again.

i should have just stayed. he offered and i denied. what's wrong with me? living with the gallaghers? that could have been the best thing for me. i definitely would have to of picked up slack though because fiona already feeds to many mouths.

i was 14 though, how was i supposed to just stay? what if we never worked out? then where would i have gone, kev and v's?

"my shift is over in 2 minutes, we can leave now if you'd like?" she smiled at me while standing up.

"could i walk home instead?" i stood up as well.

"are you sure?" she narrowed her eyes at me.

"yeah. i just want time alone, especially away from my mom you know?" i sent a chuckle to her.

fiona chuckled as well, "of course."

"thank you and fiona," i hugged her once more. "i really fucking missed you. like so much."

fiona hugged me back, "i'v missed you too, lexi."

we pulled away and fiona walked out the door while i followed. "bye kiddo, i'll see you later, okay?" she said, walking to her car.

"definitely. bye fiona." i said, and started my journy home.

it wasn't a far walk, but it was a quiet walk. it was nice to be alone for a couple minutes.

"you know, pretty girls like you should not be walking alone, especially in the ghetto." some one said behind me. i quickly turned around and came face to face with the one and only red head boy i once saw as a brother.

"ian?" i asked as i turned around and saw the tall boy walking behind me. 

"hi lexi." he said coming up to me and hugging me. "fiona sent me. said you shouldn't walk alone. i was kind surprised to even hear your name again." ian was the first gallagher i met. one night my mom got too drunk and she got into an accident and ian was the one that helped her into the ambulance, he then stayed back with me and kept me company, he's the one who pointed out that he lives across the street.

"so why're you here, back in the ghetto?" he asked walking up next to me while ruffling up my hair.

"we moved back. right back in the same old house. mom said it had something to do with losing a job in alabama. i'm thinking it's about a boy."

"wait actually, so i still getta call you neighbor again?" he winked while looking down at me. damn these gallaghers are tall.

"you still getta" i said copying his word.

ian let out a chuckle while we continued to walk. him being next to be made my walk less lonely even though that was the point of the walk. but it was nice company so i didn't mind.

as ian and i got on to our street i slowed down and starred at their house, then mine. it was such and weird and new feeling, yet so old.

"what, you don't want to come in? its just like old times?." he sent me a refreshing smile.

"sure. just like old times." i repeated as i nodded my head and looked back to their house.

ian walked me into the house and the first thing i saw was debbie and liam. liam was so big now. and debbie looked so much older.

"lexi, oh my fucking god. you're back." debbie ran and hugged me, i hugged her back while i watched ian walk to the kitchen.

"yeah, im back, and forever, so i'm told. hi liam." i waved at the boy and he waved back.

"hell yes! thats so exciting." she said "we have so much to talk about. here lets go to my room and catch up okay?" she said while dragging me up the stairs to her room.

debbie was my bestfriend before i moved. out of all the gallaghers she was the one i did the most stuff with, even more than carl.

as we got to her door i saw a glimpse of him, i saw carl. i saw him standing in his room. he was at the end of the hall in his bedroom that he still shares with liam and ian. he didn't see me though. he was faced the other way.

debbie dragged me to her bed and sat me down, she sat down as well and i saw a smile grow on her face. "so you're back for good?"

"hopefully, but i'm thinking even if my mom decides to move, im not going with her this time i don't care if i'm in the streets."

debbie laughed, "well you can come live with me when or if that happens."

that's what carl said.

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