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lexis pov

as lip and i continued talking about random things, carl and debbie walked into the kitchen.

"jerk." carl says and sends me a playful glare.

"fuck i do?" i questioned and took a swig of my beer.

"you went with ian instead of carl and now he's mad at you because he had to spend time with liam and i." debbie answered as she brought in more things for her soon to be baby.

"its cause she loves me more." ian said walking down stairs.

"and me," mickey throws in as he rubs his chest and burps.

"i had to go baby shopping. it was horrible." carl complains and sits next to ian at the kitchen table.

"i thought it was fun. liam has some good taste in color." debbie adds before walking back to the living room.

i watch as carl gets up from his seat and makes his way to the stairs. i look over at ian and mickey and they are in their own conversation while lip is still doing his extra credit home work. i shrug and grab my beer, walking up the stairs after carl.

i get up to the last stair and walk into the boys room, thus time the door was open and ian and mickey weren't fucking.

"what's up?" i questioned carl as i sat down on ians bed. carl was sitting on his own bed. his feet hanging off the side of the bed, dangling in the air.

"searching up porn to jerk off too." he says glancing at me. i give him a nasty face.

"you're disgusting."

"eh, you like me so it doesn't matter." he shrugs and continues on his phone.

"you wish." i look away from him and look at the naked girl posters ian has hung up.

he likes dudes, why doesn't he take these down?

"you can't lie to me." carl speaks up again.

i roll my eyes at his comment. "give me your phone."

he doesn't hesitate, he jumps down from his bed and gives it to me.

"im not going to find nudes right?" i glance up at him as he's standing in front of me.

"just mine." he stated with a smug look.

i roll my eyes at him and open the gallery. my plan was to delete the photo he took of me earlier, but as soon as i opened the gallery, i actually found what he told me i'd find. "i thought you were fucking kidding."

"i warned you and you still looked. your fault." he smirked and tried to grab his phone. i pulled away and found my picture, quickly deleting it. it really was a nasty picture of me.

"you are like every other guy i know." i told him and handed him his phone back.

"you could see it in real life if you'd like." he smirked and sat next to me on ians bed.

"no thanks." i pull out my own phone and check my messages from my mom. all she had texted me was that she would be home late. she always is.

he then snatched my own phone out of my hand, and put it in the air so i can't reach it. "carl." i warned as i held my hand out for him to give it back."

"lets see, does little miss lexi got her own nudes?" he stopped "oh shit, little miss lexi does." he smirks and brings my phone down closer to his face.

i grab my phone push his arm. "fucker."

"who do you send them to?" carl asks sitting back down and i feel my cheeks heat up.

"literally no one. i looked hot so i took them." i shrugged trying to play my red cheeks off cool.

"you're cute when you're embarrassed." he smiles and puts his hand on my thigh.

"and you're fucking annoying." i stated and brushed a piece of hair out of my face.

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