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carl and i knocked on kev and v's door and then waited for a holler or for the door to open.

"what's up?" kev said as the door opened. "woah, lexi?"

"hey kev." i waved.

"welcome back." he let us in. "you here on a trip? or are you living back in the south side."

"living. for good mom says, you never know though." i watched as carl handed some papers he's been holding to kev.

"these are from fiona." carl stated.

"kev who is it?" v says walking down the spiral stairs.

"carl and lexi, they dropped off papers from fiona."

"lexi?" v took her last stair and looked over at us. "oh my god. welcome back." she says and walks over to us three. "i'm sure kev already asked, but here for good?"

"hopefully." i smiled at her and she pulled me into a hug.

"good, it hasn't been the same with out you." she winked at me as she pulled away.

"oh i'm sure. how are the girls?"

"they are good. sleeping thankfully." v answered. "how are you?"

"i'm good. same old, same old."


we got back from kev and v's and carl, liam and i were just sitting on the couch watching some little kid show that laim had on.

"wanna go up to my room? this is boring." carl said still looking at the tv. i wasn't positive he was talking to me, but i realized quick he was after debbie made her comment.

"i wouldn't," debbie said "he'll make you take all your close off and suck him off."

"god stop." carl said throwing a pillow at her.

they haven't changed a bit.

"i'll race you." i asked and ran up the staires.

carl bolted after me but it wasn't long until i beat him to his room.

"i think i won." i shrugged as i looked around the boys room.

"no, definitely not." he panted sitting on ian's bed.

"i did." i picked up a crumpled up picture of the gallaghers. this was taken a couple years ago.

"no. i won." he laid on ian's bed now, feet and legs dangling off the edge.

"yeah, how so?" i glanced over at him walking over to liams bed and taking off a cigarette bud, putting it onto a dresser.

"you finally came back." i looked over at him again and he was looking at the ceiling.

"so what we gonna do?" i asked jumping onto ian's bed as well making carl jump.

"well you know, debs gave us a good idea." he smirked and turned his head to face me.

"fuck you." i spat, "you've always been a horny dude. since the day frank taught you how to masterbate.

"i was definitely horny before that too."

"i would not doubt that."

carl shrugged than sat up, moving himself up on the bed to lean against the wall. i watched as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. "smile." he said while facing his back camera at me.

"what?" i asked and then his flash went off. "jesus fuck, i think you blinded me."

"good, look." he said and turned the phone my way.

"gross. delete that." i said and attempted to grab his phone.

"not gross." he said getting up from the bed.

"no im serious." i got up as well, "please delete it.


"dick." i rolled my eyes at him.

"hey if you guys aren't having sex or making out, you can come to the pool with me im leaving in 10." debbie says through the door.

"we're not having sex." i said opening the door. "but i don't have a swimsuit."

"go nude." i could just imagine the smirk carl had on his face.

"you'd like that." i winked.

"i've got one you can use. well you can keep it. this babybelly will not fit in it anymore."

"alright." i nodded.

"carl get dressed, we'll be right back." debbie said while we walked down the hall.

"lexi can get dressed in my room." carl throw in.

i roll my eyes and we walk into her room.

"i think he has become more horny than the last time i was here." i stated.

"it's carl, what do you expect." she laughed. "here try this on." she handed me a black bikini.

she tuned around and i stripped. i put the swim suit on and checked myself out in the mirror. i looked hot. i'm surprised debbie would give it up like that.

"you look hot as fuck." she said while grabbing her swim suit. i turned around and she stripped as well, putting her own on.

"ready." she said and i turned around to face her as well. she was wearing a white one piece swimsuit. "you look even hotter than i do."

"we're both hot as fuck and every guy there is gonna know it."

we walked out of debbies room and waited for carl. he walked out of his room shirtless. he had on light blue swim trunks and a towel wrapped around his arm. 

"you're starring." debbie whispered.

"no, i was just looking."

"same difference." she came back at me, pulling me down the stairs. "let's go carl."

"yeah, yeah. im coming."

we got down the stairs and as we were putting on our shoes, i caught carl starring at my ass.

"i'm glad you like what you see." i commented while carl flicked his eyes to my own.

"i definitely do."

i rolled my eyes at him and shook my head.

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