twenty nine

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lexis pov

"how'd you sleep?" carl asked as we walked over to kev and v's.

"good." i shrugged at him and knocked on their door.

"me too." he said before kev spoke up with the swing of the door.

"no, you can not borrow our toaster," he says and shuts the door.

"kev they are here to babysit amy and jemma," v says while opening the door back up. "sorry." she sends us a small smile.

carl and i laugh a little and v let's us in.

"so the note on the fridge just tells you what to do during the day." v says as we all walk to the kitchen. she hands me the note and i put it in my pocket.

"thanks again guys for doing this." v says walking out the door with kev.

"its no problem, v!" i answered before she slams the door shut.

"so what should we do?" carl asks.

"watch these two, idiot!" i joke and pick up jemma.

he rolls his eyes, "right."

i look at the note and see all the things we have to do with the girls and all the things we can do with the girls.

"feed them at 1, change them, and nap time after that." i said looking up at carl who had both babies in his hand now.


we put jemma and amy down for their nap about 10 minutes ago, and now we were just watching some tv. i glanced at carl before i layed my head on his shoulder.

"take a nap." carl said while keeping his eyes on the tv

i closed my eyes and felt my eyes get heavy. a nap was a real good idea right now.


"we should do that way more, we just got $80 for playing with kids." carl says.

"she shouldn't have gave us this, i thought that was just going to be for fun." i said.

carl and i were walking down the street back to his house while carl ogled over the money.

"lexi," carl stops me "you live on the south side, you do not shut down money, ever." he says and keeps walking.

"you're a fuck tard." i roll my eyes at him, "it's kev and v, it's just weird."

"fine, i'll keep it." he winks at me

"no, $40 of that is mine, bitch."

"why?" he fake pouts.

"because i did half the work."

"i'm not sure you did."

"carl, i probably did all the work now shut up." i glance at him.

he stops and then he picks me up over his shoulder. "CARL GALLAGHER PUT ME DOWN RIGHT FUCKING NOW!"

"not until you say sorry for telling me to shut up." he says.

"but you annoy the shit out of me." i scream as he walks us into his yard.


i groan. "fine, i am very sorry i told you to shut up. now put me down."

as he walks to their back yard he says, "see, wasn't that hard, was it?"

"put me down now, gallagher." i kick my feet and pound onto his back.

"you got it." he says and before i knew it he throws me in their pool.

"POOL PARTY!" carl yells and jumps in as well.

as i come up for air, i flick carl off and watch as everyone comes running out of the house. carl comes over to me and pushes some of the wet hair out of my face and kisses me. making ian and mickey whistle and debbie say 'gross.'

"i like you, lexi." carl says after pulling away from my lips.

i felt my heart pump in my temples and i smiled at him. "i like you too, carl."

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