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carls pov

"i'm going to go home. i need to shower and a fresh pair of clothes sounds like a good idea." lexi says as she gets up from the couch.

"you can shower here and i have clothes." debbie says before lexi can leave.

"you sure. i don't want to waste hot water." lexi confirms.

"yeah all good."

lexi ran up stairs followed by debbie for some clothes. i stayed in the couch for a while longer, watching whatever liam was watching. i then heard someone in the kitchen. lip probably. i got of the couch, ruffling liams hair first, then made my way to the kitchen.

"hey kid, hows lexi doing, i heard she's back." lip asked.

"she's good. she is showering right now." i told him while i grabbed a pop tart.

"is it weird for you?"

"no. it was at first but it's all good." i shrugged at lip.

"you think she still likes you?"

"you're nosy." i commented, "but i don't know. it's hard to tell. when we were younger she never held anything back. she told me shit straight up now i think she's holding shit in."

"it's a girl thing. eventually she'll tell you shit." he told me while he drank his beer.

"cool." i walked up the stairs and into my room. i grabbed my phone turned it on. there wasn't much on it, but it was something to do to pass time.

"hey debs, grab me a towel, please." i heard lexi say.

i got up from my bed and walked to the bathroom door. i grabbed a clean towel from the table in the hallway before debbie could.

"here." i said through the crack in the door.

lexi shut the door all the way, "drop it at the door and walk away." she said.

"i think i'll just hand it to you."

"carl." she warned. "leave."

"no, i'm actually good here."

"i will sit in the bathroom until i dry then." she said while i held in a laugh.

"fine." i sit down on the ground and put my back on the door with the towel in my lap.

i place the back of you head on the door before lexi says, "carl, mind if i borrow some sweatpants and a shirt, debbies clothes are a bit showy?"

"sure, hold on." i get up from my spot in front of the bathroom door and go to my room. i grab gray sweatpants and blue shirt. as i make my way out of my room i see the towel is gone.

"well played." i say to her as i get to the door. i place the clothes i brought on the table in the hallway.

i hear her laugh.

i roll my eyes and walk back to my bedroom. ian is laying down in his bed. i walk over to my own bed and pull myself onto the mattress.

"you think fiona will let her sleep over?"

"obviously." ian says looking over at me.

lexi walks into the bedroom and ian starts up "do you want to spend the night?"

"sure." she says as she dries her hair with the towel."

"okay, i can take the couch if you want my bed. like old times." ian offers.

"i can sleep on the floor" she says. "or with debbie."

"or with me." i smirk and ian glares at me.

"yeah so your boner pokes her in the ass while she sleeps." ian laughs. "here, sleep in my bed." ian gets out and grabs one of the three pillows he has on his bed. "ill go to the couch."

"ian are you sure?" she asks, "it's your bed."

"lexi. it's my welcome home gift to you." ian smirks and walks out of the room.

"you're an ass you know that?" i say.

"the fuck i do to you?" she says getting into ian's bed making her self comfortable.

"you didn't come lay with me." i grinned down to her.

"like ian said i don't want your boner stabbing me." she rolled over and closed her eyes.

"who says i get boners over you?" i laid back onto my pillow.

"me, myself and i, oh and ian." she replies.

"whatever, your loss."

"good night carl."

"night, lexi."

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