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lexis pov

"carl, are you awake?" it's about 2 in the morning and im dieing of heat exhaustion.

"you okay?" he asks sitting up from the top of his bed.

"very hot. got a regular shirt?" i fan my face as i feel sweat drip down my forehead.

"here." he says as he jumps down from his bed. he pulls his shirt off and hands it to me.

"thanks." i take it from his hand, looking at him.

"turn." i say after a couple seconds of him not getting the point.

"i'd like to watch." he sends me a smile and i roll my eyes at him.

"carl, i have no bra on." i tell him and his smile turns into a smirk.

"even better."

i plant a plain look on my face and turn myself around. i set the shirt on ian's bed and i pull the debbies sweater over my head. i cover my boobs and i pick up the shirt and put it on.

"why couldn't i just watch?" carl asks before walking over to ians bed and sitting at the end.

"because their my boobs and i don't just show them off to anyone." i wink at him.

carl opens a bottle of water that is sitting on the dresser by the foot of the bed. i watch as he opens it and takes a drink of it. before he could close it though, i sit up and grab it taking a drink myself. 

i feel him watch me take a drink of it and i smile mid drink. then he says, "you're beautiful, you know that?"

"and you're ugly." i smirk and hand him the water back.

"you really think that?" he asks as he set the water on the dresser again.

"oh no, carl you are so hot, please marry me." i joke as i lay back down.

"i have to get a ring first, then you have a deal."

"i'm not marrying you carl." i told the boy. carl moved back onto the bed, resting his back on the wall. he grabbed my leg and flung it across this lap.

"but you said you liked me, remember?" he smirked over at me.

"i was 14 with a big heart. you can go fuck your self now."

"you really did have a big heart back than. what happened?"

"i realized no one gives a shit about anyone else but themselves." i told him truthfully even thought we were both just joking around.

"that's true huh?" carl asked as he put his head against the wall and it went silent for a couple of minutes.

i looked over at carl. i noticed he was biting the inside of his cheek because every once in a while his cheek would move and his almost nonexistent adams apple would bob up and down from swallowing.

"do you ever miss how things used to be?" he asked as he looked at the ceiling.

"all the fucking time." i answered quietly.

"i wish things could go back to when i was 10 where nothing matter. where nothing but school and finding my next animal to kill mattered." carls hand grazed my leg that was on his lap.

"when i was 10 all that mattered to me was weather or not you and debbie could play." i told him.

"really?" carl looked over at me.

"yeah. you guys were family and it was either i played with you or watched my mom either make out with a guy while drinking, or use heroin." i shrugged.

"your mom still use?" he asked me while his hand was now on my leg, rubbing his thumb back and forth.

"not as much, but yeah. she usually gets to drunk to remember she even has it."

"shitty parents am i right?" carl shook his head and he place his head back onto the wall looking back up at the ceiling.

"yeah." i looked at the ceiling too.

we sat in a couple more minutes of silence before i spoke up. "hey carl?"


"do you want to sleep with me tonight?" i asked. i watched as his eyes grew big and i shook my head at him. "not like that shit head."

"i figured, but a guy can dream." he removed my leg from his lap and crawled up next to me. he laid his head on the pillow and covered him self with that blankets.

"just like old times huh?" i smiled over at him.

"except this time we don't have to hide it." he chuckled.

"we really thought fiona would take our heads off if she saw us sleeping in the same bed." i chuckled as well.

"you really think she would have?"

"no, we were just paranoid." i told him as we faced each other. "or we didn't want her to give us 'the talk'"

"you were paranoid, i was not."

"oh shut up, you would freak out to because you didn't want her to give you 'the talk.'"

"because i don't need 'the talk.'"

"carl, you needed the talk. you would have boned me plenty if times if i didn't tell you no. without the talk you wouldn't even know what a damn condom is." i laughed at him.

"shut up. and i never tried to bone you." carl raised an eyebrow at me.

"many times you did. many times i hit you for asking." i stated and he smirked.

"you wanted it."

"and you better shut up before i staple your lips shut. let me sleep."


"thank you. night carl."

"night lexi."

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