thirty one

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lexis pov - date night

i heard my phone go off as i sat on my steps outside. it was carl telling me he was almost done getting ready and would be over soon. i put my phone in my pocket and waited for him.

i waited a couple more minutes before i saw car run out of his house and across the street to mine.

"ready?" he asked.

"mhm." i nodded and he grabbed my hand while we made our way down the side walk.

"i herd your brother having sex with mickey today." i said and carl chuckled.

"that's always a pleasure to hear." he stated jokingly.

"definitely not." i rolled my eyes and let out a laugh.

"you have the cutest laugh ever." carl said looking over at me.

"shut it gallagher."

"you shut it."

"want to race?" i asked carl as he was just about to grab my hand.

"you'd lose."

"try me." i said and started to bolt away from him. it was a long run, but i ended up winning when i touch patsy's door.

"won! i won!" i said out of breath.

"what do you win?" carl asked as he got up to the door, out of breath as well.

"this." i kissed him.

"if that's the prize, i think we both won." he said after he pulled away.

i rolled my eyes and we both walked into patsy's. we saw fiona working and she looked kinda stressed to be honest.

carl and i take a seat and fiona walks up to our table. "you guys on date?" she smiles at us two.

"no, we're just dressed somewhat fancy because it's cool." i say sarcastically with a shrug.

"oh gotcha, makes a lot of sense." she laughed "so what you guys gonna eat?"

"thanks for this carl." i said as i finished eating,

"hey this date was your idea." he joked.

i lauhed and rolled my eyes at him, "no, i mean for everything you've done for me and with me. it takes my mind off everything when im with you." i said.

"i'd do anything for you, no matter what it is. i'd kill a man for you." he grabbed my hand. "you're the best thing that has happened to me."

"you guys need the bill?" fiona said walking up, "oh fuck, did i interrupt something?"

carl laughed, "no you didn't, and yes we can take the bill."

she hands carl the bill and both carl and i put our money together to pay for it.

"ready?" he asked.

"yeah!" i smiled and we got out of our seat.

we both made our way out of patsys and started for home. well carls home.

carl grabbed my hand and kissed me. it surprised me at first, but i eventually kissed him back.

as carl and i got to his house we entered and walked up stairs.

"its 10:45." i stated. "how long were we there for?"

"a while, that's for sure." he answered while taking his shirt off.

"will you stay the night again?" carl said wrapping his hands around me

"or course."

"good." he said crawling into bed.

i took my clothes off leaving me in my bra and underwear. this time i didn't tell him to look away. i pick up carls shirt that he was wearing and put it on over me. satisfied with how i looked, i lifted myself into his bed and crawled over him, laying down. carl then puts his arm around me and i move my head to his chest.

carl kisses the top of my head. "good night."

"good night, gallagher."

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