twenty seven

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carls pov

"what the hell?" i asked as ian pulled me into debbies room.

ian smirked. "does our room smell like sex?"

"shut the fuck up," i covered his mouth "the whole house doesn't need to know."

"so that's a yes?" debbie asked.

"fucking nosy." i glared at the two.

"kind of hard not to be when we can hear you two." debbie commented.

"you guys were loud." ian agrees with debbie.

i flip them off and walk out of the room. i reach the last stair and i see fiona, v, and lexi talking

"hey, do any of you got medicine for pain?" lexi asked them.

"period?" fiona asked while putting dishes in the sink.

"no," she said "just pain, like body pain?"

"i do." v answered and handed her a pill.

"thank you." lexi let out a sigh of relief.

i just laughed to myself, but it must have not been to just myself because all three of them looked at me.

"what's so funny over there?" fiona asked.

"nothing." i say and walked up to lexis side.

"lexi spending the night again tonight?" fiona asked.

i look over at lexi with a smile. "yeah."

"oh hey lexi, i was gonna ask you this before, but kev and me have to work the bar all day tomorrow, would you want to come watch amy and jemma for us?"

"yes, sounds great." lexi said and smiled.

"thank you." v said and got up from her seat. "well i better get going, you kids don't have to much fun tonight." she says and walks to the door.

"bye v." lexi says while i just wave.

fiona smiled and rolled her eyes as v said something funny. "you kids get to bed, it's almost 10."

"fiona, we aren't kids." i told her.

"you are to me, now go."

"good night, fi." lexi says.

"good night you too."

"night fi." i say, "race you." i told lexi before running up the stairs.

us two run up the stairs and to my room, both flopping onto my bed out of breath from running.

"do you think v will mind if you come watch amy and jemma with me tomorrow?" lexi asked.

"nah, she won't care."

"ok good, cause you're coming." she demanded.

"oh so first we make out, then we have sex, now you think you can just tell me what to do?" i sassed her and she looked at me.

"mhm." she said and sat up. she turned on her phone and i saw her go through the text messages she had from her mom.

"my mom is drunk texting me right now." she showed me her phone.

i take her phone and shut it off "ignore her, she is not worth your time." i said and put her phone on the other side of me.

she smiled and layed back down, getting under the covers as i followed.

"good night, loser." she said as she kissed me before laying her head on the pillow b

"good night."

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