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lexis pov

"shit. this is bad. shit." i said to myself. carl is completely drunk. while liam is passed out on the couch. us three were already on our third movie and it was only noon. why did i let him drink. i'm fucked. fiona is going to be so mad.

"carl we have to go upstairs" i said quietly trying to pick him up by his hands.

"why so we can have sex?" he whines as i grab his arms and pull him up from the couch.

"no, so you can nap off the beer." i answered and swung his hand across my shoulders.

"i don't want to take a nap. i want to have sex." carls words were slurred and he was stumbling while i attempted to get him to walk up the stairs.

"well that's to bad, you need to sleep this off and im not having sex with you while you're drunk carl, that's wrong." we made our first step up the stairs.

"its not wrong if i enjoy it."

"you probably won't remember it anyway, carl. now lets go upstairs." i pulled him up more of the stairs praying he didn't fall backwards.

"fine then i'll just masterbate. you can watch if you'd like." carl kept talking as i kept pulling his heavy body up.

"ill pass, now use you fucking legs." we finally made ut up the stairs and he took off to his room. i followed close behind him just to make sure he doesn't fall on his face.

how many did he fucking drink? is fiona going to know? does she count them? i wonder if lip will know. my head keeps racing with bad thoughts.

"would you have sex with me if i wasn't drunk?" he mumbled as he tried to take off his shirt. i stayed by the door frame making sure he actually went to bed.

"i don't know." i rolled my eyes as he got his head stuck in the shirt hole. i walked over to him to help. "probably."

"you're really hot," he chuckles and takes off his pants. then his lips turn into a frown. "i wish i wasn't drunk."

"me two carl, me fucking two." i quietly said.

carl stood up straight and his hands flew to his face, "i'm fucking dizzy."

"yeah, that's what happens when you consume alcohol, carl." i stated and he pulled himself into his bed.

i sighed, "night carl."

"mhm." he mumbled and i took that as a ticket to leave.

i walked down stairs and cleaned up some of the bottles and snacks. i pulled a blanket over liam and let him continue his mid day nap.


carl woke up from his two hour nap, not still over being drunk, but making progress. he was laying in his bed while i sat on the ground and played on my phone. i really had nothing better to do than babysit him so we didn't get a lecture from fiona.

"fucking hell." he groaned. "my head hurts." he said to no one in particular.

"well, you drank a lot, carl." i stated and ge lifted his head to look down at me.

"fiona's going to fucking kill me."

"she won't i clean up so she shouldn't be able to tell." i told him in a comforting way.

carl sighed and laid back down onto his bed. "want to lay with me?" i herd him ask.

"promise you wont throw up on me?" i bargained.

"no promises." he said again.

i got off the floor, shoving my phone into my pocket. i lifted myself into his bed and then crawled over him so i was on the inside. a couple minutes of silence i heard small snores come from him.

carls pov

i woke up to a pain shooting in my forehead. i looked around and found mt whereabouts. i was in my room still. lexi's head was on my chest and we were on top of the blankets. i picked up my phone that was next to me and it said 1:45 am. "fuck." i said quietly but not quiet enough as lexi stirred awake.

"good morning. how's the head? are you still drunk?"

"hurts. i don't think so. how much did i drink last night?" i asked her as she looked up at me.

"a lot." she stated. "i kind of kept feeding them to you though, so my fault."

"fiona?" i asked hoping she new what i meant.

"all good. i just told her you weren't feeling good so you went to take a nap."

"fuck. thanks for covering." i told her and she smiled.

"i like drunk carl." she told me. "he's all horny and beggy." she laughed a little.

i left my chest fall, "i didn't touch you or anything right? we didn't have sex?"

"no, you didn't, and no we didn't."

"okay good. i'd like to remember our first time." i said not really meaning to say it out loud, but i did anyway.

"me too." she stated. "now go back to sleep."

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