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Scott doesn't go to work for the next week and he doesn't say a word to Kayla. He can barely keep it together just looking at her. They're waiting for Scott's lawyer to look over the divorice papers. Scott's only going to sign so he can be Asher's primary caregiver.

"Mr. H, you're back!" Zoey says seeing her favorite teacher. "Did you get sick?"

"Zoey, can we not talk about it right now?" Scott sighs. He rubs at his red eyes before opeing up his classroom door.

"Of course."

Scott gives Zoey a small smile and then sits down at his desk. He had planned a easy lession today. Scott just couldn't get up the energy to teach right now. The bell rings a couple minutes later and students start filling in. Only a few notice how their teacher seems distant and isn't at all happy to be there.

"Today, I just want you to read chapters two and three of Romeo and Juliet. When you're done with that you can talk amongst yourselves." Scott says.

He unlocks his computer and then opens his e-mails. Scott starts scanning through them and only one catches his eye. Mitch's e-mail is short and gets straight to the point. He wants to set up a meeting to discuss Blake's grades. Scott knows he has to agree to do it fairly soon. Scott just doesn't know if he's up to it yet. The divorce is all he can think about.

He also still needs to tell Asher. Scott just can't get himself to do it yet. As soon as he tells his son the divorce is final. Right now Scott still has a small sliver of hope inside of him. Asher does deserve to know why his parents have been acting so weird lately though. Scott knows that he'll tell Ash soon. He has to or Kayla will just do it without him.

"Mr. Hoying."

When Scott looks up he's surprised to see Blake. The teen is wearing his usual skinny jeans and tight t-shirt. Blake looked like his sister but also a lot like his dad. They had the same naturally tan skin and Blake had a singular ear piercing. He was definitely taller though.

"What's up, Blake?" Scott says.

"My dad was wondering if you would mind having the meeting during his lunch break." Blake says.

"Yeah, that would work." Scott nods. "Tell your dad I'm sorry but I need it to be next week not this one. Some family stuff came up."

"Ok." Blake says. He heads back to his seat and Scott runs a hand through his hair. He hadn't bothered doing it this morning so it was tangled and throw over his forehead.

The day ends quick enough and Scott goes to pick Asher up. Before Scott can leave Tori's classroom she stops him.

"Scott, are you ok?" Tori whispers. "You haven't been here for a week. Plus Asher told me you and Kayla were acting strange."

"He's a smart kid, doesn't miss a thing." Scott sighs. He knows that he has to tell someone what's been going on. "Kayla wants a divorce."

"I'm so sorry, Scott."

Tori hugs him and Scott hugs back. Other than his parents and sisters Tori was the first person to know about the divorce. It felt good to tell someone.

"I don't know how to tell him, Tori." Scott says. "I just don't know how to do it."

"You'll figure it out, Scott. You always do." she sighs. "I'm sorry about Kayla. But honestly, you could do better."

Scott hugs Tori one more time before exiting her classroom with his son. The whole drive home all Scott and think about is what he'll have to tell his son. He knows Asher will be crushed. Hopefully he'll be able to move on from it and only be stronger. He'll still have two loving parents, they just won't be together.

"Come on, Ash." Scott says. His son follows him inside and Scott sees his wife in the kitchen. "Hey, Kayla."

"Scott, how was your day?" the simple question seems forced. Scott knows she's only asking because their son is two feet from them.

"It's time to tell him." Scott sighs. Kayla nods and starts heading towards the living room.

"Asher, daddy and I need to discuss something with you." Kayla says. "Can you come sit with us in the living room?"

The seven year old nods and follows Scott into the living room. Scott pulls Asher onto his lap as Kayla starts talking. She had agreed to tell their son. It was only fair since she had cheated on Scott with another man. At first Asher was confused and then he cried a lot. It didn't help when Kayla left the room and started packing up her things.

Scott was then forced to comfort their crying son all by himself. Scott wanted nothing more than to just make Ash stop crying. It absolutely broke the man's heart to see his son sad. Plus it broke Scott's heart to know thst Kayla cared more about moving out then comforting their son. Maybe this was for the best, it still hurt Scott though.

It would be a couple hours until Asher stopped crying. Then Scott would have to cuddle with him and stay up watching movies all night. It was a rough night for both of them. Escpiclay since Kayla had already moved out by the end of the night. She didn't care enough to say good-night to her son. Sadly things would get worse before they got better.

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