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I figured I'd give you guys another double. I have a bunch of chapters already completed, plus I like you guys. Hope you enjoy!

Mitch is already at Scott's house when Scott gets there. Mitch had been more than happy to come over. He figured it would be hard for Scott to not be with Asher. Right now Scott just needed someone. He didn't want to be alone.

"Thank you so much for coming over." Scott says. "Especially so short notice."

"I said call me if you ever needed anything." Mitch shrugs. "I'm glad you called. Plus Zoey and Blake both had plans. I would have just ended up doing laundry."

"It really does mean a lot to me, Mitch." Scott says. "Plus we haven't even know each other for that long."

"We're just bonding quickly." the brunette shrugs. Scott smiles and they enter his house. He lets Mitch look around while he takes his coat off. "So, was there anything particular you wanted to do?"

"No, I just didn't want to have to be alone tonight." Scott says.

"Ok, we can watch a movie." Mitch suggests.

"That sounds great, but I only have Disney movies." Scott says. "I only ever watch movies with Asher."

"Well, I happen to love Disney movies." Mitch says happily. He grabs Scott's hand and pulls him into the living room. "Where are your movies?"

"On the shelf next to the tv." Scott says. Mitch nods and goes over to the right shelf. He then puts something into the DVD player and sits down next to Scott on the couch. "What did you pick?"

"Beauty and the Beast." Mitch says.

"I love this movie!" Scott smiles.

"Me too."

The movie starts and Scott scoots a little closer to Mitch. He doesn't even really realise he's doing it. Mitch smiles to himself as Scott gets closer. He really wants to do something but he's afraid it will make things weird or awkward. He takes a deep breath in before just going for it.

Mitch scoots close enough for their thighs to be touching. Then he lays his head on Scott's shoulder, smiling when the blonde wraps his arm around Mitch's shoulders.

"This is nice." Scott mumbles. He rests his head on top of Mitch's. He was enjoying being this close to Mitch.

"It is." Mitch agrees. "Thanks for having me over, Scott."

"Thanks for coming over, Mitch." Scott smiles. They've now moved so that they're looking at each other. Scott cups one of Mitch's cheeks with his hand and Mitch leans into the touch.

Before Scott can stop himself he's leaning in towards Mitch's face. The brunette's eyes flutter close as their lips meet. The kiss starts slow but soon turns into something much more passionate and rough.

Mitch moves so he's straddling Scott's hips and sets his hands on Scott's shoulders. The kiss deepens and Scott rests his hands on Mitch's hips.

Kayla and Scott had never kissed like this before. They had never had so much chemistry or passion. The kissing had been good, but never this good.

"You're a really good kisser." Scott says, completely out of breath. Mitch smiles and rest his forehead against Scott's.

"You're pretty good yourself." Mitch says. "I'm glad you did that, i'm not too good at making the first move."

"I know I just got divorced." Scott starts. "But I really, really like you Mitch."

"I like you too."

"Can I take you on a date?" Scott asks. "Like a real, full out date? Not this makeshift movie night."

"I'd absolutely love that." Mitch smiles. "And we can take it as slow as you need to."

"Good." Scott says. "Then it's a date. Does tomorrow work for you, I don't want to waste anytime."

"Tomorrow is great."

Scott smiles and moves to kiss Mitch's lips again. This time they take the kiss much slower. They might have never stopped if Scott's phone didn't start ringing. He only picked it up becuase Kayla was the one calling him. Scott had to make sure Asher was fine. Mitch was still straddling him as he answered the phone.

"What's up?" Scott says, calming his breathing.

"Asher is refusing to go to bed." Kayla sighs. "He wants to talk to you."

"Put him on the phone." Scott says. He hears movement and then his son's voice fills the other line.


"Hey, bud." Scott smiles. "What's wrong, Ash. Why won't you go to bed?"

"Mommy won't sing me to sleep."

"Ok, how about you go lay down, put the phone on speaker, and i'll sing to you?" Scott suggests. He gives Mitch a small smile as he waits for Asher's response.

"Ok." Asher says. Scott waits for Asher to say he's in bed before singing. Scott closes his eyes and forgets that Mitch is even there.

Close your eyes, lay your head down.
Now it's time to sleep.
May you find great adventure, as you lie and dream.
If you're scared of the darkness, I will calm you fear.
There's a light in the hallway, so you know i'm here.

Scott's about to sing more when he hears soft snores and someone picks the phone up.

"Thank you, Scott." Kayla says.

"I did it for my son, not you." Scott says. He hangs up and then looks at Mitch.

"You're a really great singer." Mitch smiles. "And a even better father."

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