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I decided i'd do a double today so y'all wouldn't kill. I now realize you're mit likely to do it after you read this...

Scott and Kayla took his car to the hospital. Neither one of them was too sure of what had happened. All they knew is that Asher might need them. Scott was worried about four people instead of one. He didn't know why he was going to the hospital and he didn't know who else could be hurt. Scott parks in a random spot and then rushes into the hospital, not caring if Kayla can keep up.

The first thing Scott notices is a man with a cut on his head arguing with a nurse. Except this isn't any man, it's Mitch. Scott rushes towards him, his eyes widening at the amount of blood coming from the cut.

"See!" Mitch yells, obviously frustrated. "If you would have just waited a few more seconds. This is who I was waiting for!"

"Mitch, what happened?" Scott asks,  grabbing his hand.

"I was driving all the kids to lunch, doing everything I was supposed to do, and then a car rammed into us." Mitch says, speaking as quickly as possible. "Blake and Zoey got it the worse. Blake was sitting next to me and Zoey was sitting behind him."

"Will they be ok?"

"Zoey has a broken arm and Blake got hit in the head pretty hard." Mitch says, ignoring the looks he's getting from the nurse. "They won't let me check on them until I get my damn head stitched."

"What about Asher?" Kayla asks, cutting it.

"He's getting a check up to make sure nothing's wrong." Mitch says.

"Ok, now go get that stiched up." Scott says firmly. He needed Mitch to fine before he could start worrying about everyone else. Mitch nods and let's the nurse finally drag him off. He then turn to Kayla. "Kayla, I need you to go check on Asher. I need to make sure that Blake and Zoey are ok. Tell him that I'll be in there soon."

Kayla nods and rushes towards the front desk to see where Asher is. Scott takes a deep breath in before doing the same, asking for Zoey's room instead. He had to lie and say that he was Zoey's step-dad. It gets him into her room though. She has minor cuts and bruises littering her body and gauze wrapped around her arm and sides.

"Scott!" The teenagers says, happy to see a familiar face. The doctors hadn't filled her in on anyone's conditions and she was about to go insane. "How's everyone else? Did they get hurt?"

"Everyone's doing fine. I need you to relax for me, sweetheart." Scott says, pulling a chair up to next to her. "Your dad has a cut on his head that he's getting stiches for, i'm not sure about Blake yet, and Asher's getting a check up."

Zoey nods, seeming to relax slightly. Scott really doesn't want her to stress any. She just needs to relax and let her body heal.

"I bet that your dad will be up here when he can." Scott says. "Do you mind if I do check on Blake and Ash? I'll come back later."

Zoey just nods and let's Scott leave the room. He heads towards Blake's room first, wanting to make sure that he's ok. When he enters the room the first thing Scott sees are all of the machines. The teenager also isn't away. Luckly there's a doctor still in the so Scott can ask questions.

The doctor hears him enter and turns around. "You must be the father. I'm very sorry to inform youths your son is in a coma. We don't yet know when he'll wake up, but there is a strong chance of him doing so."

"Shit!" Scott curses, looking at the bruised dot in front of him. He had never seen Blake look so weak before. Scott already knew how Mitch Blake would hate being seen like this. The teenager was all about his image and being in a coma wasn't all that good for it. "I'm sorry... I just can't believe that this is all happening."

"Don't apologize to me." The doctors says, a friendly smile on his face. "You just need to be here for this young man right now."

Scott nods and thanks him before he walks off to check on more patients. As much as Scott didn't want to he knew that telling Mitch about this would be a priority. Right now he needed to check on his own son. When he knew Asher was fine Scott could then go break the news to his boyfriend. He soars one more glance at Blake before exiting the room and heading towards the one Asher would be occupying.

Everything is a blur after that. All Scott can think about is Blake and how he's in a coma. So when he teaches Asher's room he's swaying and can't seem to meet his seven year olds gaze. Luckly Kayla notices and pulls Scott out of the room, a concerned look in her eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"B-Blake... he's-he's in a coma." Scott mutters, wiping his eyes before the tears can fall. Kayla let's out a small gasp and wraps her arms around him. "I don't know how i'm gonna break it to Mitch..."

Please don't kill me...

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