The Snake

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The house is full of tanks filled with a red glow that shone off the animals backs and eyes.

Harry wandered away from the group, he found the Snakes enchanting. Their scales looked so soft and silky through the thick glass, he just wanted to run his fingers over them, the bodies muscly and strong and able to protect themselves everything he was not. Dudley had already come past, that was clear from the way the all the snakes looked irritated at the world and were glaring at everything that moved.

As Harry stared at a particularly beautiful (and venomous) snake it hissed in a disgruntled manner "That's very rude you know."

"Sorry I didn't mean too" He hissed back amazed at the snake. Who'd have thought talking snakes existed?

Just then crashing footsteps could be heard coming closer behind Harry as Dudley marched up to the screen of particularly thick glass. He didn't turn to look at Harry as he pushed him as hard as he possibly could. Knowing he couldn't fight back or he would lose what meagre food he had for a week, Harry curled into himself and fell onto his side.

Thing 1 had begun to bang on the glass to get the snakes attention as Harry lay where he had fallen seething.

'How dare he? How Dare He?' Thought Harry in a shaky inner voice as he struggles to supress his rage.

Harry's magic began to swirl around him as he looked at his cousin who was squashing his face to the glass to get a better look at the poor snake inside. Harrys eyes began to glow an electrifying green just as the glass disappeared. Dudley fell through and into the tank with a shriek that could wake the dead.

All Harry could do at that point in time was sit there and enjoy the show, he wouldn't have thought seeing someone in pain could be so satisfying let alone enjoyable. There was a flash of red in his green eyes. By the time Harry had pulled himself out of his musings the glass had come back trapping Dudley and his eyes had gone back to normal, no longer red with glowing green and he noticed the cool silky scales running over his leg as the Snake from before levelled with his face.

"Thanks for that I thought I was going to be stuck in there for ever." It hissed in Harrys ear before turning towards the doors to make its great escape. Harry turned quickly and hissed "What's your name by the way?".

The snake turned and said, "My name is Ourobourossss, we may meet again soon Snakeling." he said before tuning and sliding of towards the doors just as some zoo keepers arrived. In the commotion Harry had noted the snake had acid green eyes that echoed his own, iridescent black scales and on the top of Ourobouros' head was a small red circle that glinted in the light.

Just then Harry was grabbed by uncle Vernon and pulled along the floor towards the head Zoo keepers office. Vernon was a very unhealthy plum colour, his moustache twitching in stress as he tried to hold himself back from strangling poor Harry.

There was a lot of shouting and crying before the situation was resolved and the Dursley family could go home with a blubbering thing 1 and pale thing 2 sitting an almost complete silence.

When they got home after thing 2 had been dropped off, they didn't say a word to Harry just grabbed him roughly by the neck and throw him into the cupboard. He wasn't let out for a week.

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