The Vaults and a Dragon

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As they stepped out into Diagon alley Harry could feel nothing but relief to be away from all those grabbing hands and forced hugs. It was almost frightening but his anger had obscured any fear, the way they thought it was okay to treat Harry like that made him want to start ripping heads from shoulders.

Diagon alley was filled with things that Harry could not possibly explain or understand. They passed carts full of sweets that he couldn't name, assorted little trays of sugar spun deliciousness that made Harry's mouth water. A collection of little cartons held chocolates shaped like frogs that lept against the little window of their boxes, trying to escape. What held his attention the most was what looked like feathers, that moved in the wind like they could take flight at a moments notice. Underneath them was a small sign with the words "Sugar Quills" printed on it in flowery lettering.

 A shop selling bottles and packets of things, all looking either disgusting or intriguing. A bottle of tentacles were waving at passers by from the window. A shop full of weird tomes and scrolls, that he was very eager to investigate, books and martial arts were the only pass times he had growing up after-all. Never able to afford anything with batteries and not trusted to touch the TV.

 A shop full of flying and running furniture that reminded him more of a zoo than a shop, the bangs and whistles coming from inside were more than enough to make the young boy thinking owning one of those pieces was more trouble than it's worth.

A shop filled entirely with quills, blank parchment and inkwells. Obviously some kind of stationary store, like almost everyone on this planet Harry had an inexplicable need to amass as much stationary as possible and almost started to walk towards the building until  he noticed a lopsided leaning bank at the end of the street. It loomed over everything else, pillars precariously tilted but stable enough. 

Hagrid walked up the steps explaining the bank's heritage and how Goblins are not to be messed with. The words inscribed on the door were warning enough. 

Hagrid then walked in a slow lumbering pace up to a desk at the very end of the large hall and coughed in a politely insistent way to the Goblin sitting at the desk. He asked to be let into the vaults of both Harry and the one mentioned in the letter, he whispered this to the old goblin sitting in the high up seat, but, the oaf was not able to be stealthy, in appearance, movement or voice. He failed on passing over the letter secretly.

The Goblin, now identified as Griphook, asked for Harry's vault key, but he was looking at Harry, at this point Hagrid interacted to say that the key was in his possession. "I got it right 'ere." He said pulling out a pile of junk, animal treats, bits of string and other tat. " ' old on." He held up a big hand in the goblins face when Griphook tried to speak. Which made Harry wince at the rudeness. The goblin had clearly had enough because he started to write furiously on a piece of paper. 

"Aha!" Hagrid pulled a tiny gold key out of his pocket, obviously the last one he checked, blew a bit of what Harry hoped was lint from it and held it out. 

With this Griphook turned to Hagrid to state in a loud and clear voice "I am afraid that is illegal sir, only the person who owns the vault can hold the key. You will need to hand it over to Mr Potter immediately and now we know the key was not in his possession, all checks or transactions made in the past 11 years will be reversed."

At this Hagrid's face fell and he looked shocked at this information as if he was hearing it for the first time. "But that can't be right," Hagrid insisted looking desperate.

"I am afraid sir it is. However, while all the documents for the reversals are being processed we will visit both vaults. Now if you are ready please follow me."

Hagrid scooped up his stuff and threw it back into his pockets looking worried. Griphook passed a shief of papers to a colleague and hoped down from his seat. 

With that Harry and Hagrid were whisked off to their respective vaults. Harry filled the money bag that Griphook had given him. When they got to the vault that had obviously been mentioned in the letter Hagrid went in and picked up something covered in a wet cloth. Soon they made it to the surface and Hagrid told Harry which shops sold what he needed.

They had got Harry's books, cauldron, Potion ingredients, parchment, ink and quills. All of it taking far longer than needed and made infinitely more difficult because Hagrid refused to believe Harry unless he showed him the list. 

Next, they were going to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions to get Harry his robes for school, as Harry entered the shop an assistant came up and showed him to where he had to stand. Harry just heard Hagrid tell him he was off to deliver something and he would be back soon. Harry didn't even turn his head but let out a huff of relief when he heard the door close and the booming footsteps retreat. 

His things were carefully put next to his chair. He was asked what he needed and then they started to measure him for the robes. 

He was then stood by a boy about his age if he had to guess, who was also getting fitted, as they both waited the boy turned to him and introduced himself " Hello, my name is Draco Malfoy pleasure to meet you."

"Hello Draco, I'm Harry Potter it's nice to meet you too. Are you going to Hogwarts as well?"

 At this Draco's eyes widened and then he smiled. "Yes, I am, I'm looking forward to starting to learn magic, and I want to join my house team too. I know I'm going to be a Slytherin, it is the best house."

"Well then I hope I join Slytherin with you." At this there was an approving hiss from the snake wrapped around his neck, Ouro was still so small that he couldn't touch his head to his tail when he was sat like this. Draco was looking around for the source of the hissing noise. "Draco what sport does the house team play?" Harry asked as Madam Malkin came up and pulled a set of robes over Harry's head and began fitting them as Draco launched into an explanation of Quidditch.

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