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Note- Imperi is not a major character and won't be, she will appear throughout the book but will only impact in small ways.


Harry stood there for a second with his eyes closed, he looked deep in thought for a moment his hand had fallen away and the vivid blue light shone out from under his thick hair. When he looked up he was smiling. "She says she's coming."

"You talk to a muggle?!?! And what is that in your neck?" Voldemort fumed staring death at the two boys.

"It's my implant, a powerful computer designed by Imperi's people. It connects to the internet works as a phone and desktop, I have even got the latest version. It's a birthday gift so I have virtual reality installed."

Voldemort just stared at Harry, Draco was looking at him like he was crazy but just then there was a weird movement in the air in the room. Next to Harry a large mass of black smoke rose from the floor and spiralled itself into the height of a person, next to dark eyes materialised out of the smoke they were a deep dark brow in the centre with a bright ring of green around the outside, where the two colours met they mixed to make a thing gold line. A split second later the form of a girl materialised from the rest of the smoke, she was an average height with a curvy build. She has extremely long dark hair that started strait but ended in ringlets and cappuccino coloured skin, her smile was gentle and warm but as she looked round the room it fell.

Everyone in the room was staring at her with a mixture of confusion and disgust, save Harry of course. He gave her a hug, which of course she returned. "Sorry I only sent you a text but as you can see I was kind of pressed for time."

"Don't worry about it I am just glad to see you." She admitted as she looked between the people in the room "Okay I have many questions but first who is everyone?"

"No, Harry what the hell is going on!?" Voldemort shouted as he rose from his chair. "She just used magic but you said she is a muggle." Imperi fumed slightly at being called a muggle.

"Err she is and she isn't. She is an Alchemist."

"Explain." Voldemort demanded getting more irritated by the second.

Harry sighed and showed Imperi to the seat next to his before he started. "So, in the alley as Draco knows I was talking about another civilisation hidden from the muggles just like ours is. They are called the Alchemists. They use a kind of magic that we can't and are able manipulate matter in ways we can't. They use science as well as their own brand of matter manipulation and combine it all with technology every now and then. That is what I have in my neck. Any questions?"

Voldemort just looked between the two of them the disgust had melted into curiosity "Imperi, is it? Are you able to duel?" Everyone looked over at Imperi who just sat there looking from one person to the other.

"It shouldn't be too hard to figure out" she shrugged.

"Well then deflect at least one of my spells and I will except what has been said as the truth." The Dark lord stated imperiously as he stood and pulled out his wand. Imperi followed the example and stood straightening out her floaty top, Voldemort bowed and Imperi copied after a side glance at Harry. When they looked up Voldemort levelled his wand at her chest, he shot out the stunning spell, but Imperi was faster, she clapped her hands in front of her and for a split second an earth coloured magic circle appeared, it was comprised of around fifteen separate rings some were made from runes and symbols. Each ring spun but in a seaming random direction, the circle lasted less than a second as the stone that had made the floor rose as a shield between her and the spell. It absorbed the blow, another quick circle (a darker grey circle) this time appeared at the end of her finger as she pointed at her shield and the rock shattered into sharp pieces, without using a spell Imperi lifted and angled all of them towards the Dark Lord. He was smiling. Understanding Harry stepped between them and smiled softly.

"I think he has accepted you. I was worried for a minute, he's The Dark Lord Voldemort by the way." He said with a slow growing grin as he looked between the two. With a click of her fingers Imperi put the floor to rights and walked over to Voldemort, she held out her hand.

Harry seeing that Tom did not understand said "She is acknowledging you, it is very high praise coming from the heiress to the Alchemists." Voldemort took her hand and shook it. She smiled at him before turning to Harry

"Sorry I have to leave but call me okay I want to hear about everything that is going on here and to meet you friends." After a nod from Harry she waved at all of them and nodded her head to Voldemort slightly acknowledging his status but she did not bow. Voldemort understood that she must have a powerful place in her society so returned the gesture. She and her people could make useful allies to his and soon to be Harry cause. With that she crossed her arms over her chest and fell backwards, there was a collective gasp from the Malfoys who up until now had stayed silent, but before she hit the ground she turned to the same smoke she arrived as and disappeared into the ground.

After that the House went to bed, The Dark Lord disappeared and Dobby was bandaging himself up. Harry spent the rest of his time at Malfoy manor either working with Voldemort or with Draco they were fast becoming close friends. Since then he had called up Imperi and explained everything to her. The work was tough but rewarding, he learnt more about Ouro, who spent his days either on or nearby to Harry. Harry did however forget to ask anyone about the smoke he had been seeing, or ask Tom about the strange pull and almost immediate loyalty toward him. But he would have all of that answered soon enough. He got into his bed on the last day before school excited about the upcoming year, he had so many spells memorised; some in parseltoung that no one else knew but he wasn't supposed to show people them. The plan had been laid out for him, he and a team of people of his choosing were to spend most of the year gathering intel on where the stone would be but they were not to find out what it was or could do when he asked Voldemort said this "It might mean that you will not be able to retrieve it but if you do find out what it is then drag along someone whose memory you can modify and use them." Now the only thing left to do was execute the plan. With that he fell asleep looking forward to the next day.

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