Home For Now

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"SLYTHERIN!" the hat cried the minute it touched Draco's head, grinning Draco walked over to the Slytherin table. Next up was Harry, to say that he was nervous was an understatement but he held his composure as walked up to the stool. The hat was placed on his head, the brim falling down over his eyes.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" asked a voice in his head "What a mind you have mister Potter. You have so much potential. You are cunning and sly like a Slytherin but brave and bold like a Gryffindor. You have a quick mind and love to learn like a Ravenclaw and are loyal and hardworking like a Hufflepuff. Where to put you?"

"Slytherin" Harry chanted in his head, he had to be in Slytherin, he had to make the right decision and make the Dark lord proud.

"But you would do best in Hufflepuff." Said the Sorting Hat.

"Why?" Harry asked it.

"You fit into all the houses so the best place where you could nurture all of your traits would be loyal and unassuming Hufflepuff. It is the house where people who are hard to profile often go if they don't have a preference. You will be accepted unconditionally there and they could nurture your talents."

"So you are saying that there are lots of powerful wizards in Hufflepuff and they are sent there because they are showing an aptetude for more then one house?"

"Yes. They would make great allies if you are interested in that sort of thing and once loyal it would be incredibly hard to make them turn on you, if you interested in that sort of thing." The hat said somewhat smugly.

"Why does it sound like your encouraging this?"

"I know what Dumbles has been up too, I can still hear what he says in his office. I know he was stealing your money to fund his army, he wants to weaponize you against the dark and I don't like the idea of someone that could do such a thing to a child."

"Okay, thank you for your help. Could you please put me in Slytherin? And will you keep our conversation a secret?"

"I am bound by magic that leaves me unable to breath a word of what went on in the sorting to anyone. It is a secret you have my word. And."

"SLYTHERIN!" the Hat screamed to the rest of the hall as Harry took it of gently and placed it back on the stool with care. He could feel the eyes of the rest of the school boring into him as he walked over to the Slytherin table and took his seat next to Hermione. The table had roared into life when they heard and were all busy trying to congratulate him. Finally it was Ron's turn and to the eternal shock of everyone at the school Ron was sorted into "SLYTHERIN!" the first in his family. Dumbledore, who had just started turning back to a healthy colour after Harry sorting, choked on his tongue. Harry chuckled darkly to himself at the sight, he had now been fully and irreversibly converted to the Dark Lord's beliefs, with a few obvious exceptions, and wanted nothing more than to make Tom's dream of the wizarding world come true. Wizards ruling the muggles, Dumbledore defeated and humiliated at Tom's and his feet. But he would and to work out with Tom the relationship he wanted the Wizards to build with the Alchemists, and Hermione needs her pardon, she could be so useful. Soon Dumbledore had made his idiotic speech and the feast had begun, the food was excellent and Harry was famished, he filled up on a balanced meal fully intending to fix his poor health and sever malnourishment this year. Tom had gifted him some nutrient potions which were helping massively but he did really need to fix his diet. After the pudding was finished and the plates cleared Dumbledore stood and announced the start of term notices, giving Fred and Gorge (Harry assumed) a pointed look when he mentioned the forbidden forest. Soon they were all off to their dorms, The prefect for the Slytherin house lead all the new first years out of the Great hall and down the stairs towards the dungeons.

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