The Steam Trail In The Air

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It was coming up to Christmas, specifically mid-December, and Hogwarts was covered in a couple feet of snow, any owls that managed to make it through to the school had to be nursed back to health by Hagrid.

No one could wait for the holidays to start, the Slytherin common room and the Great Hall had blazing fires built up in their grates and the corridors became cold and icy tunnels in-between warm and cosy classrooms. Only Professor Snape's room was cold so the students had to huddle up close to the fires beneath them.

A sheet had come around, curtesy of Professor McGonagall, for anyone to sign who wishes to stay at Hogwarts over the holidays, Harry had barley even looked at the sheet before Draco had snatched it out of his hands.

"No, you're coming to mine for the holidays and you can't refuse." Draco said with a look that just screamed he wouldn't be taking no for an answer.

Ron took the sheet, he had just finished reading a letter and was grabbing a quill when Draco yanked it out of his hand too. "I heard about your parents and I will not let you stay here either." He said whilst giving Hermione a small smile, they all knew it would take a while before his parents would accept her so she wouldn't be able to visit.

"Hermione, when are you going to tell me about your family, I know we have all been dying to hear it." Harry said looking at her intently, wondering what it is she had to say. Hermione looked like she had been pinned under a spot light, she swallowed nervously.

"Umm," She started "On the train you said something about me possibly being related to a wizarding family, distantly that is. So, I went and had a look at the family tree records in the library. I found that the Grangers are decendents of the long-lost squib daughter of Ravenclaw, every now and then one of the family line has magic. It seems to jump generations." She said looking down at her plate and scratching at her arm.

The three boys looked at each other and then back at her. "I can go get the records to prove it if you want." She said in a hurry thinking that they didn't believe her.

"No no no, that's not it. We're just a little shocked to hear that." Ron said immediately, trying to calm her down a little.

"Wow, now I know that my family will want to meet you." Said Draco. "We should invite you over at some point."

"I'd like that." Hermione answered, "I was beginning to feel a little left out."

They all just shared a smile as they began to talk about what they were looking forward to most in the holidays. Hermione was looking forward to seeing her parents again and being able to tell them about everything that's been going on, Draco wanted to see his Mum and, but he was mostly looking forward to the presents. Ron couldn't wait to see Malfoy manor, Draco had been talking about how recently his parents had decided to change its colour to black. Apparently, they didn't like the white anymore.

Harry was looking forward to his first actually enjoyable Christmas. The Dursleys had always found some way to ruin it, whether that be through endless and dangerous chores or outright beatings. He still had the scar from three years ago when they tried to get Dudley into Hockey, it only meant that on New Year's Harry was beaten by a grass stained hockey stick.

Soon he was finishing up in his last lesson of the day, Potions with Professor Snape. Snape had been tormenting Neville all day and Harry had to admit it gave him a sense of satisfaction that he couldn't have gotten from another class. He had been praised for his potions and laughed along with the rest of the Slytherins as Neville when he ruined another potion and was called out by Professor Snape, they all doubted very much that Neville would be able to make it another few lessons with Snape without a nervous breakdown, lately he couldn't even look Harry in the eyes.

Soon it was time to pack up and head down to the great hall before heading over to the train station where they would be picked up by the train and would be on their way home, Harry was currently seated at the desk in his dorm room looking out into the lake, the giant squid had just floated past and waved at him. He hadn't been able to get any further with what's under the trap door, he would have to just rush in if things continued this way.

His stuff was packed and everyone else was already at the great hall, he just had to pick up has bag and make his way down-stairs. He couldn't wait to see Tom again, or the Malfoys they were all so nice, to him at least.

Giving up on making a plan he sighed and stretched, arching has back and making it pop, getting up he picked up his stuff and walked down the stairs toward the train station. He walked out of the main hall to meet Draco and Ron, Hermione wasn't present at that point; she seemed to be chatting with Pansy Parkinson.

"Hey, Harry!" Ron said calling out to Harry from across the grounds. They were standing by the green houses and a tentacle could be seen reaching through the open window to grab at the back of Draco's neck. Luckily Draco walked forwards just in time and the thing was left grasping at thin air.

"There you are!" He yelled out running over to sling his arm over Harry's shoulders and pull him close. Ron just laughed and walked over carrying both their bags over to Harry, Hermione noticing this walked over, after saying goodbye to Pansy. Neville could be seen shuffling along with too many bags trying his best to avoid any teachers or students in green or yellow, the Hufflepuff's had started to fall in with the Slytherins.

They seemed to be drawn to Harry and he was doing everything in his power to encourage this, they seemed like a good choice of followers. The train smoke could be seen in the distance but it wasn't due to leave for another hour, so they were good for time, the carriages were already carting people down towards the train to leave, it would be a good idea to follow them soon the weather was already freezing. Harry felt amazing, he was going home to people who actually cared about his wellbeing and weren't going to abuse him.

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