Bites and mice

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"You can speak to snakes. Can't you?" said Draco peering at Harry's collar trying to see Ouro for himself.

"Err yeah I can I guess but I have only ever spoken to Ouro." Harry said looking at the other two. "He's hungry, even though he won't admit it. Is there a pet shop nearby? I'll introduce you then." He said as he pulled his clothes closer to keep his little rescuer safe, the shadows in the streets were making it cold and Ouro was coldblooded. It would make it hard for him to sleep if he got too cold.

"Yes" said Ron "I know one that sells snake food back in Diagon alley. we should head that way." He turned and looked back at the second attacker lying on the floor next to where Harry was standing, he was in the middle of death throes and his chest was rattling. He seemed to be in considerable pain as he died. With and almost indifferent look Ron asked, "So what do we do about him?"

Draco turned to look at him then at Ron "Are you suggesting that we save him?" he asked with an eyebrow raised. Harry looked at Ron interested obviously unconcerned with the man's deteriorating state but interested in Ron's opinion.

Ron spoke up, "He attacked us and probably would have killed us. I don't care either way it is just that his friend is likely to live and we have to clean up after Harry." He said to Draco with an air of indignation at the thought that he cares about the man. It seemed that Harry was already beginning to affect their personalities and morals. They were uncaring for the men just Harry's continual safety. It made Harry smile. "The first one would report us immediately if he found his friend dead, he won't care about himself going to jail."

Draco and Harry paused to consider this, Harry finally spoke up and said, "We have two options I could kill the other one, or Ouro could heal the first one."

Draco looked up from the dying man and said "It is possible they could trace us back to this, none of us were exactly quiet someone may have seen. I say heal them. That way if they were to report us they would be in more trouble than us and we can pass of the fight as self-defence."

With one nod in their direction harry hissed out "Ourobourossss wake up I need you." The little snake moved and peaked his head out of the collar he was held under, away from Harry's warmth. "Would you mind healing the man you bit, it would be a great help."

"But he attacked you."

"Yessss but we are in more trouble if he dies."

"Okay master." Ouro slid down Harrys outstretched arm and from the middle of Harry's palm he moved towards the dark bite and bit him again. This time the black substance that seemed to be surging through his veins grew grey then disappeared. Ouro slid back up the outstretched arm and went to sleep, he was famished and the biting was not helping.

Somehow Harry could tell Ouro needed food fast so he turned to Ron and said, "Well we better go soon or Ouro will resort to eating one of their fingers." A small chuckle emanated from around his neck and Ron just nodded and led the way to the nearest pet store.

Harry bought a bag of mice held in a preservation spell so they won't go off, they went somewhere quiet and Harry woke Ouro. He fed Ouro the smallest one and that almost seemed too much for his precious snake, Ouro was quick to wrap back around Harry neck and lay down listening to the humans talk.

"So Harry you know martial arts then?" Draco asked though it was more of a statement then a question.

Harry scratched the back of his neck and looked at his feet. "I had to, to protect myself from Dudley. I am sorry, but I missed my lesson for today and have been itching for a fight. Kind of dragged you into it didn't I."

"A little bit" Draco agreed. Just then his parents materialised out of thin air next to the trio, Draco sprang up and hugged his mum. Lucius Malfoy looked at Ron in distain but Draco was quick to correct his father and told him what Ron had about his family and position. After a few minutes of convincing he warmed up to Ron and Mrs Malfoy agreed to let him visit Harry and Draco. The two boys said their farewells to Ron and promised to write to him as soon as possible.

Mr Malfoy held out his hand for Harry to take, and just as the two apparated away Harry's eyes flared with red again and he saw a big cloud of magic rounding the corner connected to a small girl with bushy hair.

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