My Sweet Snake

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As Harry stepped out onto the patio of the back garden he could immediately feel something was off. All the birds were silent and not even the leaves twitched, as if scared to be seen.

Harry braced himself and stood in a defensive stance while looking around for any possible suspects, after three minutes of this he stepped out into the garden and began to systematically check under all the bushes and behind the few trees.

Harry walked through the perfectly preened garden that Petunia boasted about to the other parents in the playground. It was all Harry's work. He checked the garden methodically from next to the back door to the bottom of the garden. When he finally reached the last three shrubs at the end of the garden he heard a soft hissing coming from the middle one. "Hello Snakeling, I missed you."

"Ourobourousss?" Harry hissed softly almost in disbelief, staring at the bush. He got down onto his knees and looked for the snake. "I am here Master." Ourobourous said as he slithered out from a soft looking clump of grass in the shade. 

"Master?" Harry hissed with an air of confusion at the snake.

"Yes you are my master, Master. I am your familiar, He said so. I was told to return to you and stay by your side to protect you Master. Aunt Nagini and her master said so."

" What do you mean my familiar, that is just superstition and magic, both of which aren't real." Harry had sat down on the grass, it was cool to the touch and for that he was grateful. The summer sun could be harsh. 

"But talking snakes are? Listen Master, I am your familiar and you are a wizard. He sent me here to keep you safe after I told him about you. Which must make you very powerful master."

"I am not a wizard." Harry hissed looking disbelievingly at Ourobourous. After a split second another question occurred to Harry, "Ourobourousss who is he?"

"Please Master call me Ouro, and he is the strongest wizard ever. That is all I can say. And Yes you are Master because you removed the glass from my prison. Have you ever done something that you cannot explain master, something no one else can do or should do?"

Harry thought for a bit, he remembered appearing on the school roof, wilting Petunias flowers, shrinking a jumper and re-growing his hair. So many things in his years that had gotten him severely punished. 

"I am a wizard."


"How much do you know about wizards, and what kind of snake are you?" Harry asked hope in his voice that he might soon be able to escape this hell he is trapped in. "I will tell you everything master but first I think you should do your gardening. Take me inside with you when you are done I should still be small enough to fit in your pocket and the baggy clothes should hide me." Harry sighed but got to work, he pulled out a grand total of three weeds, all there was in the immaculate garden, before carefully putting Ouro into his biggest pocket and walking to the backdoor.

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